Luokat: Kaikki - propaganda - policies - foreign

jonka Helen Surawy 6 vuotta sitten


Germany in Transition

The period in Germany's history saw significant transitions marked by the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. This era witnessed the establishment and consolidation of Nazi power, with key events such as the Munich Putsch and the impact of the Great Depression playing pivotal roles.

Germany in Transition

Germany in Transition

Hitler's Foreign Policy

Non- Agression Pact with Poland 1934 Rome Berlin Axis 1936 Anti-Comintern Pact 1936 Pact of Steel 1939 Nazi Soviet pact 1939
Foreign Policy Aims
Rearmanent and Conscription. Disarmament Conference

Stresa Front 1935

Rhineland remilitarised 1936 Anschluss 1938 Sudetenland Crisis 1938 Takeover of Czechoslovakia 1939 Polish Corridor 1939

Nazi Economic, Social and Racial Policies

Policies for Workers RAD, Autobahns, Rearmament Invisible unemployment, DAF, KDF
Women Policies Traditional attitudes KKK Law for the Encouragement of Marriage Lebensborn

Young People Policies Indoctrination Youth Groups School

Jewish policies Persecution Nuremburg Laws Kristallnacht Ghettos

Terror and Persuasion

Consolidation of Power 1933-34

Reichstag Fire

Nazi Rise to Power

Political schemings
Financial support
Goebbels and Propaganda
Appeal of Hitler
Impact of the Depression
SA SS Hitler Youth
Munich Putsch and its impact
Early development of party

Recovery of Weimar 1924-28

Other improvements
Better standard of living Womens lives Culture and Art
Improved relations with other countries
The Locarno Pact The League of Nations The Kellog Briand Pact
Recovery of the Economy
The Dawes Plan The Rentenmark The Young Plan less unemployment

Weimar 1919-1923

Events in the Ruhr and Hyerinflation 1923
Political Instability
Spartacists, Kapp Putsch, Munich Putsch
Impact of the Treaty of Versailles
Weaknesses of the Weimar Consitution
Proportional Representation Article 48