What makes an effective leader?


respect for others


is trustworthy to everyone.

Abraham Lincoln was a leader who was trustworthy and respecful and got is nick name "Honest Abe" because of his values.


good listener

speaks their mind

fully believes in what they are saying

convinces others

Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader to many because he spoke his mind and lead with his communication skills. He made speeches where he spoke for his beliefs and for the better of others.


to always try and get better.

desire to keep going with your beliefs.

Rosa Parks motivated millions by refusing to give up her seat to a white pessenger. She became an important symbol of the Civil Rights Movement.


dreams to better others and society

folllows through with plans.

used his passion to get past a period with deep recession and war. One of his quotes that show his passion is " It isn't sufficient just to want - you've got to ask yourself what you are going to do to get the things you want."


Benjamin Franklin said , " To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions." he is a perfect example for his knowledge. because of it he was an author, printer, editor, politician, statesman, scientist and inventor. and invented the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove.


someone who thinks out of the box




Steve Jobs co-founder of Apple was a creative innovator and an effective leader. He experimented with his ideas and thought out of the box to invent.