Water Pollution

What is it?

It is the contamination of water bodies.

When does it occur?

When pollutants on land are blown by wind or washed by rain into the water bodies

When pollutants are discharged directly into the water bodies.

Types of Water Pollution.


Eg. Love Canal.

Surface Waters

Eg. A spill from an oil tanker creates an oil slick that can affect a vast area of the ocean.

Causes of Water Pollution.

Oil Spills

An oil spill is a release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment due to human activity.

It takes months or even years to clean up!

Improper disposal of sewage

Sewage refers to solid or liquid waste made by households or industries.

When untreated sewage gets released into the water bodies, water bodies are polluted because the sewage contains detergent, human waste and chemicals.

Industrial Waste are especially harmful because it contains large amounts of toxic chemicals.

Extent of Water Pollution

Nagative impact on human health

The poison from industrial waste may affect the bodies of fishes and shellfishes that swims in the water bodies.

These fishes may be consumed by humans, causing them to suffer from cholera and typhoid.

Endangering plant and animal speices

When an oil spill, a layer of oil spreads over the water surface. Animals come in contact with the polluted water, the oil will stick on their feathers or fur, causing them to freeze to death in the end.

Also, the oil will clog the bird's feather, preventing them from flying or floating on the water. Causing them to drown to death.

Economic loss

The tourist rate decreases.

Cleaning up the oil spill may cost the country a bomb.