Watching for Dolphins


Impacts of man in nature creation

¨black water¨

It can be interpretated as all the damage that man causes to ature, pollution, contamination

Power of imagination

In my opinion, the author uses this key (imagination) as a way of represent us the usual deceptions that we afront in the normal life. In this case, is the decpcion that the turists feelt when they go back to their places without watching the dolphins.

Also imagination it is how turist thouth that they were going to spent the day, that they would met dolphins but surprised, any dolphin appeared.

The power that our imagination have, that we sometimes imagine things before they happened

The passengers imagine the experience of seeing dolphins

¨Smiling, snub-nosed, domed like satyrs, oh¨

No matter that later they get dissapointed by the way that they couldn´t saw dolphins

Nature, Spirituality And Connections

The narrator uses a lot of religious vocabulary. As ïmplored¨,¨saint¨, ¨pray¨ or ¨epiphany¨.

This are experiences that believed people used to have. (As I said in vocabulary part)

In the title we have the word ¨dolphins¨, however its mentions a few times along the poem.

¨Dolphins¨ are a symbol of spiritualy for one part, because they appear in many greek miths. For example in Poseidon.

When it says ¨Chains¨and ¨black water¨

The ¨chains¨ may suggest an imprisionment, but also we have ¨black water¨ and we can have this sinking feeling

Semantic Field

In the poem we can appresiete a lor of vocabulary that make reference to religion, all they create a semantic field based in religion,

Literary Devices


¨Stared like a sain¨

As if the ¨fat men¨it was a sain



¨the sky would clang¨

Sound image

gong and drum.

We can see it as a sound image because they are objects created to make noise, and we know that they are use to celebrate God, so we guess that they can be makeing noise


¨In the summer months on every crossing to Piraeus One noticed that certain passengers soon ros.¨



Pronoun repetition



In the poem, there are some words that make reference to religion


Its the big bat man trying to picture of dolphins


the big fat man was kind of praying god to picture of dolphins

(no matter that people usually implore only for miracles)


God manifestation

A long time ago, when people that didn´t belive in God, have a dream in which Christ appears it was an epiphany and after that they started belive in God

¨gong and drumb¨

things that religious people use to celebrate to a God

Structural Devices

It is diveded in 6 stanzas

It is set in the ¨summer moths¨ in ¨Piraeus¨.

by: David Constantine

Experiences that people expect to have at the moment of watching the dolphins. Also this vocabulary makes a religious atmosphere or semanthic field in the poem


Wating for dolphins is a religiuos and spiritual experience for some people, also for some people its something memoral, like an experience that they will never forget

they were strongly associated with Poseidon by the later Greeks, this probably explains why the sea god was so often surrounded by dolphins



We can guess that this word added the hold sentence, give us a nnegative feeeling of going down or maybe something holding us

This negative feel can symbolism that something it isn´t working as it should

Suggest an imprisonment

Down us we have ¨black water¨ that give us a sinking feeling

Instead of raising up our spirits as Gods that are up, we have this sinking feeling as we were going down and down, they are sunk

¨black water¨

Maybe it means pollution, or contamination, all the damage that man does to the world

Negative feeling


Sense of loss, maybe loss of hope, that they didnt see what they were expecting to


Something failed


¨The abused Aegean¨

talking about dolphins so may be a personification of them.