
Located in Ecuador

It is not very hot or very cold – the air is very clean

People work hard in the fields, and do a lot of exercises

Their diet is very healthy

with fruit and vegetables

hey almost never eat meat and fish

have good social life

The water they drink, from Vilcabamba River

very rich in minerals


In Japan

They just have vegetables and fish

and often eat soya

are very active, often work until they are 80 or more

they also relax every day

they see and meditate with friends and relatives

they are always positive, and they are never in a hurry


mountain region of Sardinia in Italy

people live to be 100 they are normal and healthy

People in the villages work outside in their fields with their animals

They have a healthy diet

with a lot of vegetables

not much meat or fish

They almost never take any medicine

usually drink a little grappa before they go to bed