Present simple       vs       Present cont...- Mind Map

Present simple vs Present continuous

Present continuos

Used for an action happening right now
at the moment of speaking.

Example: I´m studying a maths lesson.

Example:She´s not walking her dog.

Used to talk about something that is happening
around the time of speaking but not necessarily
at this exact moment

Example:He´s watching the great a serie.

Example:Luis isn´t reading a great book.

Time expression used with
the present continuous tense.

- now, right now, at the moment, still

Used to talk about temporary situations

Example: It´s not raining right now

Questions example

Are you eating eggs right now?

What are you doing?

Present Simple

Used for facts or things that are always
true or generally true.

Example: It rains a lot in winter.

Example:A cat has four legs

Used for regular habits or repeated

Example:I don´t wath tv every often.

Example:She goes to the school every day

Time expression used with
the present simple tense.

- Always,often, generally,sometimes,never...
- Once a day, twice a week, three times a month...

It is used to describe an action
of long time and without
change of plans

Example:I live in Spain

Example:I study engineering

Questions example

Do you eat apple every day?

What are you do?

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