Indigenous Struggles


" 'No Indians in this car,' he pointed down the aisle.
'You belong four cars to the back.' "
(Three Day Road, pg. 154)

"Whiskeyjack is how they say his name , make it their own. He has told me that what they do to his name is what sounds lto my ears like a longer word for bastard, making his name a name without a family." (Three Day Road, pg. 156)

Nuns repeatedly calling kids "Heathens" and "Savages" in residential school.

Giving kids Christian names to strip them of their Indigenous identity.



"We worship Jesus Christ, not other spirits, or totems, or animals. We do not condone any other forms of spirituality or belief.
'Who the hell is worshipping animals,' (Says Joan)"
(Empire of Wild, pg. 118)


"The colonial authorities wanted the land but
not the Indians." (Empire of Wild, pg. 2)

"Over the years, without treaty and without wealth, the half-breeds were moved away from the shorelines where million dollar cottages were built...Family by family, the community was pushed up the road." (Empire of Wild, pg. 2)

"They got the small settlement up a dirt road. They got Arcand." (Empire of Wild, pg. 3)

I feel like this quotation also touches on how the Indigenous people got stuck with nothing and were forced to work with what they had. Many of them still to this day don't have clean drinking water in their areas.

"The people who lived in Arcand were brought from another place, moved off Drummond island when it was handed over to the United States in 1828." (Empire of Wild, pg. 1)

This quotation is talking about how the Indians who were happily living on the Island, were shipped off to another place because the colonizers wanted the land.
So many Indigenous people had their land taken right out from beneath their feet. They didn't even get a say.

"Wasn't it the Wemistikoshiw who were on our land? Who relied on us?"
(Three Day Road, pg. 52)