Death By Scrabble - Mind Map

Death By Scrabble







Literary Device

Situational Irony - This occurs in the story when the opposite of what readers expects to happen, happens. For example, the tile that the main character was chewing was comforting him, this ends up being the same thing that he chokes on and dies from. How ironic.


The story is written in first person point of view. I know this is the POV because there are a lot of personal pronouns such as "I" that are used in the story, and it is told through the eyes of the husband.

EXAMPLE: "It's a hot day and I hate my wife."

Alternative Perspective

I think the story could be told from the eyes of the wife. I think if the story were told from her perspective, we would get a similar story where she is thinking to herself how much she wants to tilt and annoy her husband.

EXAMPLE: "My wife just sat there, watching" (Fish 4).


Bad thoughts deserve bad deeds

Treat your loved ones with respect

Don't wish bad things upon others, that you wouldn't want wished upon you.

Evidence: I think this theme is appropriate because all of the bad things the husband wished for his wife ended up coming back to haunt him at the end of the story. It teaches us to treat others with love and not hate. For example, the husband says he "hates his wife" and at the end of the story, she sits and watches him die. Perhaps if he liked his wife and treated her with respect, she would have saved him.

Person vs Person

Person vs Person is the most obvious type of conflict in the story because it focuses on a competiton between the husband and wife, and these two people don't like each other.

Humans abilities to tell each other stories about ghosts or other supernatural occurences. The story features a cursed or "jinxed" game board that makes words played on the board come alive. As the husband begins to believe this, the words come more and more alive. This is similar to how people in our world can trick themselves into believing that ghosts or demons or aliens exist. For example, peoples' love of Ouija Boards.


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