Campinha-Bacote Nursing Model - Cultural Competence


Cultural Desire

Nurses motivation and desire

A thrive to become educated, skilled and aware of culture

To show patients how culturally knowledgeable nurses are and desire to learn more

Cultural Awareness

Healthcare workers

aware of ways of life in other cultures

appreciative of values

Being sensitive

Cultural Skill

able to conduct culturally compenent assessment

Nurses able to gain information different ways such as physical assessment from patients

Cultural Encounter


People with different backrounds

People with different beliefs & values

Cultural Knowledge

Healthcare providers

acknowledge ethically diverse groups

Become familiar culturally with their practices

Dr.Campinha-Bacote developed this model back in 1991

" a going process in which the healthcare providers continuously strives to achieve the ability to work within the cultural context of the client " ( Campinha-Bacote, 2002, p.181).

This theory is here for nurses to apply and be able to work culturally diverse environment by providing good quality of care to patients around the world.

From patients perspective, they receive good quality of care and feel respected

Less conflict and more understandings between healthcare professionals and patients.