Kategoriak: All - judicial - executive - laws - supreme

arabera Jeremy Moss 3 years ago


US Government

The United States government consists of three primary branches: the Judicial, Legislative, and Executive. Each branch has distinct roles and responsibilities. The Judicial branch, headed by the Supreme Court with nine justices including one chief justice, interprets the law and can declare laws unconstitutional.

US Government

US Government


Enforce laws, citizens may vote
Can veto laws, judicial branch also interprets laws , but the President can nominate the court justices

The President leads the country and the Vice President supports the decisions of the Presidents.


Make laws, declare wars
It makes laws but some of those laws can be delcared unconstiutional

There is a speaker of the house, if the President or Sice president can no longer be serving, the speaker of the house will take there place


It can interpret the law and it can be applied to cases
the judicial branch can declare laws unconstitutional

The top part of the Judcial branch is the Supreme Court, they say if something is constitutional or not, there are 9 justices and there is one chief justice.