Kategoriak: All - abuse - families - food - energy

arabera TIFFANY RIVERA 6 years ago



The Department of Social Services (DSS) offers various programs to assist low-income families, especially during winter months when energy bills can be burdensome. Families already enrolled in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (


People most served by DSS

Programs and services through DSS

Energy Assistance
Energy assistance through DSS helps low-income families pay their bills during winter months.

If a family already receives TANF or Food Stamos they automatically qualify for energy assistance.

Food Stamps
Out of 245 households, nearly 66% of them experiences food insecurity within the home.

Child Protective Services

A services performed by DSS to provide security for children involved in neglect or abuse cases.

The article on CPS showed low-income families were at an all time high for CPS involvement

Food assistance is a program offered through DSS that helps supply food to low-income families.

A program offered through DSS to provide assistance to families "in need" and low-income families.

Substance Abuse Families

CPS has the most involvement with low-income and substance abuse families
A study showed a large portion of families receiving TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) used illegal drugs.
2014 families using TANF had a 36.7% increase in the use or Cannabis.

Single mother households

All programs in these articles were occupied most by low-income and single mother families
There is a 5% increase in CPS cases for mothers with the highest education to be a high school diploma.
Single mother households have significantly high scores for the need for energy assistance.
47% of single mother households had food shortage. Single mother families receive food stamps more than mother and father households.