Kategoriak: All - government - plans - revolution

arabera Marcelo Murguia Villafuerte 4 years ago



The Mexican Revolution saw multiple stages, each characterized by distinct objectives, key figures, and pivotal events. The Constitucionalismo phase aimed to overthrow Victoriano Huerta, who had seized power by assassinating Porfirio Díaz.





GOALS: The main goal of this stage of the Mexican Revolution was to stop the government of that time (Held by Victoriano Huerta during the Mexican Revolution) from doing what he wanted, since he killed Porfirio Díaz to become the Mexican power, this is why constitucionalistas were trying to take huerta out.
IMPORTANT EVENTS: April 1913, Venustiano Carranza is declared First Chief in the fight against Huerta. May 1913, Alvaro Obregón leads Carranza's army. June 15, 1914 , Huerta resigns as President and flees to Europe on a German ship.
IMPORTANT PLANS OR DOCUMENTS: "Plan de Guadalupe" was the start of the second step of the Mexican Revolution, and it consisted in getting the power from Madero, this started with Venustiano Carranza.
MAIN CHARACTERS: Porfirio Díaz, Victoriano Huerta, Francisco I. Madero, Venustiano Carranza

APA: Gonzales, R. (2010, November 18). Mexican Revolution: the main players. Retrieved from https://www.ocregister.com/2010/11/18/mexican-revolution-the-main-players/ Plan of San Luis Potosí. (2019, November 4). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_of_San_Luis_Potosí Centenario de la Constitución Política 1917. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.constitucion1917.gob.mx/es/Constitucion1917/Revolucion_Constitucionalista The Mexican Revolution and the United States in the Collections of the Library of Congress Timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/mexican-revolution-and-the-united-states/timeline.html Fechas, personajes y documentos de la Revolución Mexicana. (2014, November 20). Retrieved from https://www.excelsior.com.mx/nacional/2014/11/20/993404 México, R. (2013, November 19). La Revolución Mexicana: Los cinco caudillos. Retrieved from https://tucson.com/laestrella/gente/la-revoluci-n-mexicana-los-cinco-caudillos/article_38fd26db-9306-5ff7-9345-3c4d2b50aad0.html Guerra de caudillos. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.vidaalterna.com/coleccionismo/guerra_de_caudillos.htm


GOALS: This is the third and last step of the Mexican Revolution and consisted on the fight of powers, the definition of the revolutionary groups to see who will finally get the government of Mexico.
IMPORTANT EVENTS: Agust, 1914, in "Batalla de Celaya" Alvaro Obregon lost an arm while fighting wit Villa´s army. In 1919, Emiliano Zapata was killed by Carranza´s army.
IMPORTANT PLANS OR DOCUMENTS: "Ley Agraria" (1915) consisted on the peasents wanting their land back again, this was a fight untill Emiliano Zapata finally gets this law. "Constitución Política" (1917), marked the end of the Mexican Revolution.
MAIN CHARACTERS: Francisco Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Venustiano Carranza, Alvaro Obregón, Francisco I. Madero


GOALS: The fisrt or main goal of the Maderista stage of the Mexican Revolution was that Francisco I. Madero wanted Porfirio Diaz out of the government, because he was a dictator, during this stage Francisco persuade Pancho Villa, Pacual Orozco, and all the mexico town to rise up against the dictator.
IMPORTANT EVENTS: In October of 1910, Madero wrote the Plan de San Luis, to the mexicans. In December of 1910, Francisco Madero finally persuade Pancho Villa and Pascual Orozco to join the revolutionary movement. In May 25th, 1911 Madero was elected president of Mexico.
IMPORTANT PLANS OR DOCUMENTS: "Plan de San Luis Potosí" was an important document written by Francisco I. Madero in October, 1910, this document was written in San Antonio, Texas, and it was for the mexican people to rise up against the government, against Porfirio Diaz, and this document was the start of the Mexican Revolution.
MAIN CHARACTERS: Porfirio Diaz, Francisco Madero, Victorian Huerta, Pancho Villa, Venustiano Carranza, Alvaro Obregón, Emiliano Zapata, Ricardo Flores Magón