Kategoriak: All - division - algorithms - signs - subtraction

arabera jackie shipman 3 years ago


Elementary Math 280

Techniques for solving subtraction, multiplication, and division problems are explored, emphasizing different strategies and rules. Subtraction is approached by adding the opposite and using the KEEP-CHANGE-CHANGE method.

Elementary Math 280

Elementary Math 280

Week 11

Exam #2

Weeks 7-10

Week 10

Review for Exam #2
Mindmap Project #1
Fractions intro to Algorithm



Whole number + fraction = combine

Whole number - fraction = take one from whole number put in form a fraction (same denominator as other fraction); Then subtract the fractions. New whole number carries over

Solving Fractions

Ex: _5_*_3__ +_8__* _2_

      8 *  3   + 12 *   2


_ _15_+ 16_31_ 

24 + 24  = 24 

= 1 _7 


Comparing Fractions

Fractions Intro

By Jackie Shipman

Week 9

Solving Subtraction and Multiplication/Division


Ex: -43-20



-- - =-63

Multiplication and Division


25(-60) Different signs = -

Build and Show Subtraction/ Multiplication

Build: use 2 color counters

red is negative other color is positives



ooo =-3


oooooo= 6


Show: draw a diagram

use + and - signs


+++++ =

- - - - - - - =-7


++/++/++/++/ =0

- - - - - - - - =-8

Week 8

Solving Adding Integers

Build and Show Integers-Add

Integers: any numbers that are positive and negative

EX: show 4 using 10

+ + + + + + + + +

- - - - -

Divisibility Rules

Divisibility Rules:

2's- Even numbers

3's- sum of the digits are divisible by 3

4's- the last 2 digits are divisible by 4

5's- last digit is a 5 or 0

6's- if 2 and 3 works then 6 works

8's- if last 3 digits are divisible by 8

9's- the sum of the digits are divisible by 9

10's- last digit is 0

no rules for 7

Week 7

Division Alt Algorithms: Repeat Subtraction and Upward Division

Repeated subtraction

Upwards division

Multiplication Alt Algorithms: Expanded Form, Left to Right, Lattice

4 7

X 5 7




+ 21


multiplication Automaticity

1's, 2's, 10's, 3's, 9's, Doubles, 4's,6's,7's,8's



Alternative Algorithm-Subtraction-Expanded Form and Equal Addends

EX: 278-57

200+70+8 200+60+18

- 0 +50+7 - 0 +50+7

200+10+9 = 219

EX: 134-56

134 + 4 = 138

-56 + 4 = - 60


Spiraling Content

Week 15

Mindmap part 2

weeks 11-15

Scientific Notation

Three Parts of Scientific Notation:

  1. first number always between 1 and 10
  2. always times 10
  3. has exponent (e^-1 is a decimal)( e^+ is a big number)

positive exponent = number bigger than 1

negative exponent = decimal


4.25 x 10^-4 = small number


1.63 x 10^7 = big number


Week 14

Order of Operation

Forget- (PEMDAS)

G- Groups

E- Exponents

M/D or D/M- multiplication and division left to right

A/S or S/A- Subtraction and Addition left to right






Week 13

Solve Decimals
  1. estimate
  2. line up whole numbers
  3. place decimal based on estimate
Multiply Decimals
  1. estimate- make sure the answer makes since
  2. multiply without decimals
  3. look at your estimate to place the decimal
Subtract Decimals


Add Decimals

Draw one square and divide based on place value

Next color or shade the first decimal

Then shade the second decimal in

bigger decimals:

  1. estimate= does the answer make since
  2. write it out, line up whole number
Show Decimals

draw squares and equally divide the squares

Week 12

Dividing fractions

Always estimate first

  1. do the backwards C for mixed numbers= take the denominator and times the whole number then add the product to the numerator
  2. Keep Change Flip

15 / 18 15 X 10

22 10 22 18

k c f

3. Factor each numerator and each denominator

3*5 2*5

15 X 10

22 18

2*11 6*3

4. Use funky 1's= cross out on numerator with equal denominator

5 X 5 = 25

11 6 66

Multiply Fractions

Always estimate first

Numerator times numerator= numerator

Denominator times Denominator = demoninator

Build and Show fractions

Build- use fraction tiles or circles

Show- Draw a box and separate it into the number of squares marked by the denominator

Add fractions- will have 3 squares- first 2 will be perpendicular

Subtraction will have 2 squares

Multiplication will have 1 square- separate with perpendicular lines