Kategoriak: All - counting - numbers - prices - age

arabera Ivan Castillo 12 months ago


cardinal numbers

The text focuses on various ways to handle and express numerical information in everyday contexts. It includes examples of how to state one's age, using both cardinal and ordinal numbers, and provides specific instances where individuals give their ages.

cardinal numbers

Count the first half and then the second half

in the case of the thousand remember to write first the number and then the thousand. For example: 220,320 two hundred twenty thousand, three hundred twenty.

cardinal numbers

to give years


to ask prices

How much is it the marker? the marker is 2.50
it´s 60 dollars and 50 fifty cents
it´s 50.99
It is(it´s) 20.50
How much?
How much is it?

how much is it for?

How much is it for the iPhone?

telephone number

-double and triple(tripl)
-zero (ou)
-one by one

to give your age

he has 30
I have 20 years old

I am 20 years

How old are you?
I am 27
they are 60
She is 27
she is 27 years old
I am 25
Diana is 18 years old

to count things

two million, three hundred forty one thousand, nine hundred one.
seven million, six hundred twenty one thousand, one
seventy seven thousand, three hundred twenty
four hundred thirty thousand eight hundred seventy