Kategoriak: All - shop - loans - payment - collection

arabera Eileen Hamill 3 years ago


Access Bikes 2.1

The process for obtaining a bike through Access Bikes involves a series of coordinated steps between the customer, bike shop, and a Credit Union (CU). Customers interested in acquiring a bike first make a loan application through the CU, which can be done via a smartphone app or other traditional methods.

Access Bikes 2.1

Access Bikes

Cycling UK

Quarterly repayments to be made to Transport Scotland by CUK Finance staff
Follow up survey sent to participants
Follow up with participants for additional training requirements if required identify sources for additional training LTR or ECS
Updates tracker spreadsheet for monitoring
Sends out CUK Baseline Survey
Records details of the enquiry and customer reference number on the tracker spreadsheet
Contacts local bike shops for each enquiry

Time permitting will be fine at the start buut will have to see how this one works out

Sends unique customer refernce number to the appropriate credit union
Responds to initial enquiried and provides participants with a unique customer refernce number
Promotes Access Bikes to bikeshops, bike recyclers, community groups and Housing Associations
Have contacts for Housing associations from Cycling Scotland

Bike Shop/Recycler

Signposts potential Access Bikes customers to Cycling UK
Arrange follow up apppointment for bike check up
Once the payment has arrived contact the customer to arrange collection of the bike
Shows customer range of bikes and allows trials
Bike shop completes 3rd Party information request with bank details and the cost of the chosen bike and or equipment
Customer presents with proof of Access Bikes loan from Credit Union and 3rd part information request

Credit Union

Repayments made to Cycling Uk on a monthly basis including the appropriate finance code provided by SPO
Monitors progression of the loan for inclusion into monthly reports to Cycling UK
Lona applications made Loan Applications in progress Loan applications rejected Loans in repayment Loans in default
Makes payment by BACS transfer
Provides customer with proof of loan approval and 3rd party information request to get details for imvoice payment
Provides oucome of the loan applciation to the customer and records against unique customer refereence number
Signposts all enquiries to Cycling UK
Promotes Access Bikes through email to customer base and socail media posts


Complete CUK evaluation survey
Pay back loan over 9 monthly installments
Keep CU informed of any difficlty with loan repayments
Collects bike once the payment has been recieved and starts loan repayments at a time that suits them.
Access bike support as required

Basic Maintenance Training

CUK Member Group

Community Cycle Club

Essentila Cycle Skills Training

Learn to Ride training

Community Cycle Hubs

Online resources

Sends or takes email to CU
Attends Bike shop and selects the best bike for their needs. Is given an invoice to send or take to the credit union to initiaite payment. Invoice can be emailed or physical
Bike not is stock? CU loan in place for 3 months if bike is still not avaialble within that timefram a fresh applciation will need to be made
Participant completes CUK baseline survey
Participant makes loan application
If the loan is refused SPO can suggest community bike hubs for free or very cheap bikes and make referrals/link people in
Loan application is approved customer attends bike shop with proof of loan and gets them to complete a 3rd party informatio request form

Selects bike and obtains invoice for bike and equipment from bike shop to return to CU for payment

Participant downloads smartphone app and makes CU application. Identyification can be verified using the app. Customer provides CU with their unique Reference number
If no smart phone they can apply to jointhe CU by phone, online, in person or using a paperbased application
Participant decides to particpate in the scheme
Responds to advert or is signposted to CUK Web site