T.O.P.P.S.To aid your personal and professional discovery process


What can I offer the world?

Who am I?

What do I really want?

What do I really need?

What sort of metaphor would I like others to see as they think of me?

What are the main 3, 4 or 5 things that others really know about me?


How will I apply myself to achieve more?

Where do I see myself sometime in the future?

Where do I choose to go?

What makes me fly?

What are my key resources?



Desire to learn?

Sense of Adventure


What environment can I see as being useful to me?


What do I call my true passion?

What music makes me dance?

If I were to write a brand new personal motto right now, what would it say?

What floats my boat?

How can others tell when I am in the zone?


What is my unrealised potential?

What sort of people encourage my success?

Over and above what you are doing, what would you like to be doing? How could we help you?

What have been the most enabling lessons in my life so far?


What does success look like?

What are my goals?

What is most likely to help me?

Dynamic AQ(we recommend that you resize this picture to suit your screen)

What is least likely to stop me?

What do I need to avoid?

Where am I most likely to be misunderstood?

What can we do to help me to reach my goals?

Are things such as Fear, Angst, Development and Safety useful or not?

What are you most notable successes and why?

How do I celebrate?