
Rules Level 1

Order the words to make a complete sentence

Drag and drop the different parts of a sentence in order

If the word order is incorrect the incorrect words will bounce back to holding bank

Rules Level 2

Choose the correct multiple choice answer

Find the error in the sentence OR
fix the error in the sentence

If fixing the error, the error will be bolded
or underlined

Rules Level 3

All the previously written and corrected sentences
create one informative paragraph about snakes

Player will see most of the previously written and
corrected sentences on the screen

Drag and drop the sentences to create one paragraph


Create sentences that are syntactically correct
mechanically sound by dragging words into
their proper place

Identify and correct the error in each sentence

Order the previously corrected and created
sentences to create one cohesive paragraph
about snakes

Game Premise

Cory the snakes' friends have
escaped their habitat.Help Cory round up
his friends by creating syntactically 
and grammatically correct sentences
to put them all back!

Game Strategies

Trail and error

Player should know their grammar

Look for phrases you know

Look for sentences structures you know