17. Partnerships for the goals

Building inclusive alliances to attract investment and strengthen sustainable development


16. Peace and justice

Access to peace and justice, promotion of peaceful societies

15. Life on land

Measures aimed at forest management and reduction of deforestation

14. Life below water

Prudent management of water resources and reduction of marine pollution

13. Protect the planet

Generate viable solutions so that countries can have a sustainable economic activity for the environment

12. Responsable consumption

Promote the efficient use of resources and ensure a better quality of life for all

11. Sustaniable cities and communities

Guarantee cities with opportunities and access to basic services

10. Reduced inequalities

Boost economic growth and social stability

1. No poverty

Reduce poverty rates and ensure sustainable livelihoods

2. No hunger

Elimination of hunger and malnutrition and reforms to the agricultural and food sectorm

3. Good hearth

Guarantee a healthy life and promote the well-being of all

4. Quality education

Guarantee access to education and increase schooling rates

5. Gender equality

End discrimination and gender violence

6. Clean Water and sanatation

Universal and equitable access to drinking water

7. Clean energy

Increase the proportion of renewable energy

8. Good jobs and economic growth

Sustainable economic development and quality jobs

9. Innovation and infratructure

Investments and sustainable infrastructure