Categorías: Todo - relationships - attachment - challenges - norms

por Shem Kasahwni - Rick Hansen SS (2542) hace 3 años


The Pursuit of Happyness

Economic hardships can significantly influence family dynamics, particularly affecting the mental health and emotional stability of family members. Fathers who lose their jobs often experience guilt and a sense of failure, which can strain their relationships with their families.

The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness

The Impacts of Norms, Roles, and Institution

Ex. Christopher protraying his role as a father when his wife wants to take thier child with her
Roles refers to the responsibility and customs that a person performs seen in various ways in society
Norms refests to standards and patterns that are found thoughout society

Therotical Percpetives on Development

Hierachy of Needs
When somone doesn't have a stable foundation yet, they aren't able to focus on other taksks which includes relationships before their foundation is stable
This theroy suggest that an individual must create a stable foundation of needs (housing, food, electricity) before moving up in life
Systems Theroy
Ex. Christopher wife leaving him, making his son believe it was his fault
This theory goes into depth about ways people join or leave familes
The personality of family members can and usually are shaped by other member within the family
Idea on how family members interact as well as influence one another

How do economic & emotional struggles of a father impact his relationship with his son?

Trends, Issues, and Challenges

Ex. He needed to pick up his son ealier compared to other interns, giving him less time to complete his work
Ex. Christopher no longer being able to afford to pay for rent
It had also seemd that fathers that have lost their jobs often experience feelings of guilt as well as a sense of faluire.
A study from American Association for marriage and family therapy had discovered that many familes struggling financially and econmcially tend to suffer from depression, anxeity, severe grief, and many other mental health issues
Life is full of challenges that may inadvertently affect or end realtionships

Attachment Theory

Secure Attachment
Ex. Christopher plays make believe with his son in a train station
This attachment represents the security the child feels with this caregiver, ultimately along the child to rely on them in need
A secure attachment is what many caregivers strive to attain with their child
The attachment between father and son is detremental to the quailty of the relationship between them

Parenting Styles

Ex. Christopher yells at his son after they're kicked out of thier hotel room
As discussed in class children from authoritative parenting households tend to be happier, self-reliant, cooperative, and are high achievers in school
Authoritative parenting style allows the child freedom within limits, ultimately giving them a sense of freedom, but in times of seriousness shows firm control
Parenting Styles are methods on how parents/caregiver raise their children