Categorías: Todo - replication - genetics - dna - enzymes

por Vanessa Sgambelluri hace 4 años


Molecular Genetics

The intricate process of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells involves several key enzymes and steps to ensure accurate genetic information is passed on during cell division. Helicase unwinds the DNA strands, creating replication forks, while RNA primase synthesizes RNA primers needed for DNA polymerases to begin synthesizing new DNA strands.

Molecular Genetics

Base Pair Mutations

Connection from Base Pair Mutations - Substitution, Insertion, Deletion, and Inversion: Examples of base pair mutations are...


Connection from Complementary Base Pairings - Inversion: When two adjacent bases trade places, or DNA sequence becomes reversed, this is called...


Connection from Complementary Base Pairings - Deletion: The removal of a base pair or larger coding region from a DNA Sequence is called...


Connection from Complementary Base Pairings - Insertion: The addition of a base pair or a larger coding region to a DNA Sequence is called...


Connection from Complementary Base Pairings - Substitution: The replacement of one base pair in a DNA Sequence by another base pair is called....


Connection from Causes - Spontaneous Mutation: Mutations can happen spontaneously, which arise from inaccurate DNA replication. This is called...

Connection from Causes - Induced Mutation: Mutations can also be caused by an environmental agent. This is called...

Induced Mutation

Connection from Induced Mutations - Chemical Mutagen: When an environmental agent directly changes the DNA within a cell, this is known as a...

Chemical Mutagen

Spontaneous Mutation

Replication Bubble

Replication Fork

Connection from Replication Fork - Replication Bubble: The replication fork causes the separating of DNA in both directions, in which an opening is produced. This opening is known as the...

Dealing with Errors

Replication Origin

Connection from Replication Origin - Helicase: At this point, the following enzyme functions...

Strand Separation

Connection from Strand Separation - Helicase: Enzyme that causes strand separation is...

Connection from Strand Separation - SSBs: During strand separation, the SSBs prevent the parent DNA strands from annealing and keep them separated.

Semi-Conservative Replication

Connection from Semi-Conservative Replication - Replication Origin: Semi-Conservative Replication starts at the ...

Eukaryotic Cells

Connection from Eukaryotic Cells - DNA Replication: In this cell, this process takes place...

Complementary Base Pairings

A&T, G&C

Hereditary Molecule

Connection from Hereditary Molecule - Fred. Meischer: The man who examined this molecule further was...

Molecular Genetics

Focus Question: What are the fundamental processes and errors that take place in Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics?


Gene Expression


Connection from Post-Translational - Processing, Chemical Modification, and Degradation: In this regulation measure, the availability of functional proteins is limited through the following processes...

Chemical Modification

Connection from Translational - Poly(A) Tail: In this regulation process, the length of the poly(A) tail is changed.


Connection from Post-Transcriptional - Alternative Splicing: An example of post-transcriptional regulation is...


Connection from Transcriptional - Chromatin Remodelling Complex and Metylation: Two examples of transcriptional regulation are...

Chromatin Remodelling Complex


Frameshift Mutation
Silent Mutation
Nonsense Mutation

Connection from Nonsense Mutation - Stop Codon: This mutation results in a premature...

Missense Mutation
Point Mutation

Connection between Point Mutation - SNP: A change in a single nucleotide within a gene can cause a difference in the DNA between individuals, known as...

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)


Wilkins & Franklins
Avery, MacLeod, & McCarty
Gregor Mendel

Connection from Gregor Mendel - Hereditary Molecule: Proposed a "factor" which he called a...

Friedrich Meischer

Connection from Fred. Meischer to DNA: Collected pus to discover...


Connection from Nucleotides - Deoxyribose Sugar, Phosphate Groups, and Nitrogenous Bases: Consists of...

Connection from Nitrogenous Bases - Purines & Pyrimidines: Examples of Bases include...

Purine & Pyrimidines

Connection from Purines & Pyrimidines - Complementary Base Pairings: A purine always pairs with a pyrimidine! This makes up what we know as...

Deoxyribose Sugar

Connection from Genes - Eukaryotic Cells: Gene function can differ in the two cells; EUKARYOTIC & Prokaryotic

Protein Synthesis

Genetic Coding

Connection from Genetic Coding - Codon: Codons provide a mechanism for Genetic Coding.

Connection from Genetic Coding - AT, GC: Genetic Coding is dependent on the DNA alphabet, which is consistent of A, T, G, and C.


Connections from Codons - Start and Stop Codon: Specific codons that assist in the process of translation are...

Stop Codon

Start Codons

Central Dogma

Connection from Central Dogma - Transcription: Genetic information flows from DNA to RNA

Connection from Central Dogma - Translation: Genetic information flows from RNA to Proteins


Connection from Translation to Initiation, Elongation, and Termination: These are the first, second, and third steps of translation.

Connection from termination - Stop Codon: The codon that ends translation and signals the termination of the polypeptide chain is...

Connection from Initiation to Start Codon: The codon that begins translation and initiates the formation of the polypeptide chain is...


Connection from Transcription to Initiation, Elongation, and Termination: These are the first, second, and third steps of transcription.


Connection from Termination - Termination Sequence: Termination occurs when RNA Polymerase recognizes the...

Termination Sequence

Connection from Termination Sequence - RNA Polymerase: The enzyme that detects the termination sequence to terminate transcription is called...



Connection from Initiation - Promoter: Initiation occurs at the promoter.


Connection from Promoter - TATA Box: The TATA Box is located on the promoter.


Connection from TATA Box - RNA Polymerase: The TATA Box allows for the binding of...

RNA Polymerase

Connection from RNA Polymerase - Building Complementary Strands: Once RNA polymerase binds to the promoter, DNA's double helix will open. Then, the enzyme begins to build a complementary single-stranded RNA molecule.

Building Complementary Strands

Connection from Building Complementary Strands - DNA Replication Building Complementary Strands: Complementary strands are built using a DNA Template strand in both DNA Replication and Protein Synthesis.


Connection to mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA: Different types of RNA include...

Connection to Nucleotides and Single-Stranded: RNA is single-stranded and contains nucleotides


Connection from Nucleotides - Ribose Sugar, Nitrogenous Bases, and Phosphate Groups: These parts make up RNA's nucleotides.

Phosphate Groups

Nitrogenous Bases

Connection from Nitrogenous Bases - Purines & Pyrimidines: Purines & Pyrimidines are examples of nitrogenous bases.

Purines & Pyrimidines

Connection from Purines & Pyrimidines - A, U, G, C: RNA nucleotides contain these four nitrogenous bases: Adenine (A), Uracil (U), Guanine (G), and Cytosine (C). These form complementary base pairs with each other (UA, GC).

A, U, G, C

A, U, G, C - Genetic Coding: A, U, G, and C make up the RNA alphabet, which is important to...

Ribose Sugar


Connection from rRNA - Ribosomes: rRNA makes up...



Connection from tRNA - Anticodon: Each tRNA contains a set of three nucleotides called an...

Connection from tRNA - Translation: The tRNA molecule is required by the ribosome through the following process so that one amino acid at a time can be assembled into a polypeptide chain.



Connection from mRNA - Precursor mRNA: The initial eukaryotic mRNA molecule that is made through transcription is this...

Connection from mRNA - Modified mRNA: The modified eukaryotic mRNA molecule that is made through transcription and can now exit the nucleus to reach the ribosome is this...

Modified mRNA

Connection from Modified mRNA - Poly(A) Tail: This is one modification that is made to the precursor RNA, where a chain of 50 to 250 adenine nucleotides are added to the 3' end.

Connection from Modified mRNA - 5' Cap: This is another modification that is made to the mRNA, where a sequence of seven G's are added to the start of the precursor mRNA.

Connection from Modified mRNA - mRNA Splicing: This is another and the final modification that is made to the precursor mRNA, where the introns are signalled to be removed.

mRNA splicing

Connection from mRNA Splicing - Introns: This process removes introns from precursor mRNA.

Small Ribonucleoprotein (snRNPs)

Alternative Splicing

5' Cap

Poly(A) Tail

Precursor mRNA

Connection from Precursor mRNA - Introns and Exons: This molecule includes both introns, non-coding sequences, and exons, coding sequences.




One Gene-One Hypothesis
Single-Strand Binding Proteins (SSBs)
RNA Primase

Connection from RNA Primase - RNA Primer: A replication enzyme producing...

RNA Primer

Connection from RNA Primer - DNA Polymerases: When the RNA Primer is in place, DNA Polymerases, specifically DNA Polymerase III, allows for DNA nucleotides to become added to this primer.

DNA Polymerases

Connection from DNA Polymerases - I, II, and III: All three enzymes, DNA Polymerase I, DNA Polymerase II, and DNA Polymerase III are crucial to the process of DNA Replication.

Connection from DNA Polymerases - Building Complementary Strands and Dealing with Errors: DNA Polymerases' two significant functions include to assemble nucleotides into new DNA strands and to proofread and repair replication errors to DNA molecules.



Connection between Helicase - Replication Fork: As the helicase enzyme works, it forms a point of separation between the two parent DNA strands, called a ...

DNA Replication