Categorías: Todo - address - ceremony - transition - president

por Blair Butter hace 3 años



Every four years, a significant ceremony marks the peaceful transfer of power in the United States, taking place at the U.S. Capitol Building. This event, known as the inauguration, involves the President giving an inaugural address that sets the tone for the upcoming administration.



I. Ceremony to transition to a new president -

momentous occasion every four years in the U.S.
inaugural balls
parade down Pennsylvania Avenue-
2. transition of power-
1. to the White House-
President is next -
2. band plays "Hail to the Chief" -

tribute to next leader of our country -

1. gives inaugural address -

sets tone for presidency -

Vice President takes oath first -
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court -
2. Swears in President and Vice President-

Right hand on Bible for oath -

1. John Roberts-
Thomas Jefferson -
2. in 1801 -
1. first President to take oath in DC -
Takes place at U.S. Capital Building -
January 20, 2021 -
4. Started in 1937-

in the US Constitution -

20th amendment -

3. Kamala Harris - Vice President -
2. Joe Biden - President -
1. at noon -