Categorías: Todo - education - responsibility - inquiry - transformation

por Nicole Gouveia hace 6 años


Holistic Learning

Educating students with special needs about climate change can be enriched through a holistic approach that emphasizes personal and collective responsibility. This method encourages learners to find meaning and purpose by connecting their knowledge to real-world contexts, such as their communities and natural environments.

Holistic Learning

Teaching Climate Change to Students with Special Needs using a Holistic Approach

Teacher - “experienced traveling companion, guide, mentor” - cooperation is the norm

Teacher guides student in their inquiry. Provides resources and assistance.

Community connections

Who in my community can I connect with to learn about climate change? Where can I gain greater knowledge?

Transdisciplinary - understanding the world in wholes, focus on the inquiry

After the core vocabulary and content has been taught, student leads creation of inquiry questions about climate change.

Personal and collective responsibility

Realizing that tackling climate change is both a personal and collective responsibility

Focuses on finding identity/purpose in life through connections to community/natural world

How are my actions contributing to or helping to combat the effects of climate change?
How am I impacting climate change? Is there a group in the community I could join to help out?

The development of individual intellectual, emotional, social, physical, creative potentials is important

How does climate change affect me and my day-to-day life?
How can I creatively show my work?
How do I feel about climate change?

Questioning the goal of education, working on the process of self actualization

How does this knowledge help me grow as a person?

Meaningfulness - leads to self-regulation

Why is climate change meaningful to me?

Transformative approach to education - changes in frames of reference - point of view, habits, world views

What do I already know about climate change and what do I want to learn more about?

“Intrinsic reverence for life and a passionate love of learning” (Wikipedia).

Allow the learner to guide the inquiry.

Feeling valued in being the best you can be/learning as a joy

It is an intensive learning experience that changes content into context and allows the learner to reach a certain fluency (what they learn becomes part of who they are/ what they do)

How does climate change affect me? My family? My community? My country? The world?

"It is a philosophy of education based on the premise that each person finds identity, meaning, and purpose in life through connections to the community, to the natural world, and to humanitarian values such as compassion and peace" (Wikipedia).

Why is it important that I know about climate change and its effects? How will learning about climate change impact me as a person?