Categorías: Todo - tension - inertia - motion - gravity

por Anis Solehah hace 6 años


Force & Motion

Newton's Laws of Motion are fundamental in understanding the behavior of objects. The First Law states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force, introducing the concept of inertia.

Force & Motion

Normal - force that is perpendicular to the surface that an object contacts.

Friction - force when two surfaces rub over one another.

Tension- force in a rope or string when it is stretched.

Present when two solid surfaces slide along each other.

Upthrust - upwards force for object placed in fluid.

Drag - 'frictional force' between object and air

Weight - force of gravity acting on object.

Forces acted on an object, all the forces can be added and represented as a single force, net force – resultant force.

Eg: Rocket launch

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

They act on different objects They are equal in magnitude They are opposite in direction They are forces of the same type


Unbalanced force on a body. (causes acceleration)

Force & Motion


The skier


Static friction
Applies when two surfaces are at rest with respect to each other (such as a book sitting on a table)
Kinetic friction
Act on the opposite direction of the object's velocity

it depends on : 1. normal force between two surface. 2. the nature of two sliding surface (coefficient of static friction)

Free body diagram


Types of Force

Newton's Law of Motion

3rd Law
2nd Law
1st Law
An object at rest will stay at rest, an object in motion will stay in motion at constant velocity, unless acted upon by unbalanced force.


Push or pull