Workplace Harassment

Work harassment is any conduct that constitutes aggression or harassment, exercised by the employer or by one or more workers, against another or others, by any means, and that results in the affected person or persons impaired, mistreated or humiliated, or that threatens or harms your employment situation or your employment opportunities, provided that all these behaviors are practiced repeatedly.

verbal abuse

Screams and insults are the main workplace bullying that some public or private companies use to make the employee feel useless and weaken him morally. They even shout vulgarities that cause the worker to retire from employment.

the chasing

Not only do superiors, but also coworkers or workers with lower profile. They are continually aware of all employee movements that make them feel supervised. Checking in and out of lunch is an example or calls are some of the most common situations.



It is one of the cruelest ways to make the employee invisible. Many workers are excluded from decisions, activities and tasks that are related to their area of work in the company and usually with decisions of superiors.



Physical Harassment

It is a form of harassment that consists of uninterrupted and intrusive persecution of a subject with whom it is intended to initiate or restore personal contact against his or her will.

Psychological harassment

It is a long process where the person, being progressively subjected to uncertainty and impotence, loses his self-esteem and self-confidence