rhetorical devices


Great God (Shelley 237)

This is alliteration because it has the same starting sound repeated though multiple words.

This was used other times in the book used as an expression.

This is used when Victor was questioning whats happening to him.


“A fiendish rage animated him as he said this; his face was wrinkled into contortions too horribly for human eyes to behold; but presently he calmed himself and proceeded…” (Shelley 126)

A Hyperbole is used as a over exaggeration.

This a hyperbole because the persons face was not actually contorting.

This quote is discussing a blatant difference in emotion and emotional expression.


¨watching the clouds and listening to the rippling of the waves, silent and listless.¨(Shelley 182)^

This shows imagery by good usage of descriptive words.

When this was said it kinda set a calming mood for the situation.

The way this quote was said it gives a good mental picture of what the surrounding area looked.


"After an interval I arose, and as if by instinct, crawled into the room where the corpse of my beloved lay. (Shelley 239)

This was right after Elizabeth's body was found

This set a real mood on everyone attending the wedding.

When this happened it set a dark, gloomy, scary attitude.