The Middle Ages

Organization of the Church
The organization of the church
was as follows: Pope(s), Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishop, and the Priests.

Feudal System
The Feudal System
was the system that
everyone was ranked
in during the time period.
For example, at the bottom
were the serfs. The next row
up consisted of the farmers,
merchants, and craftsmen.
Next up the chain is the Knights
, then Nobles, and then follows
the Monarch. All above this is
the church as they oversee it all.

Carolingian Empire was
the last empire that was
ruled by the Franks. The final
division gave us present day
Germany and France.

Pre- Emergence

The Germanic People
flooded the western
area of the Roman
Empire and disrupted
trade and population.

First Germanic Kingdom
The first Germanic Kingdom
developed around the time
of 490. This was the Franks.
The Franks were under the
rule of Clovis. The Franks
were all united in 511.
after that,

The Spread of Christianity
The Franks believed that
they needed to spread the
word of the lord to the other
Germanic tribes. With that,
they built monasteries and
many men and women gave
up their lives to work and
serve the church/

The Chivalry System
THe Chivalry System
was an order that everyone
followed by and was used
for the knights. This System
was pretty much their code
of honor and rules to follow.