
What does it look like?

1 section: Historical context

gives historical context about the Aztec empire (which was in decline)

2 section: Dialogue

a dialogue between the leaders of the Aztec and Spanish empires

3 section: Fall of the empire

explanation of the fall of the Aztec empire after the Spanish arrived

4 & 5 section: Images

images with brief explanations about important events

How does the author communicate ideas?

Telling story in sections

The author Communicates their ideas in 4 sections. The first section explains the state of the Aztecs when the Spanish arrived. The second section is a record of the dialogue between the leaders of the Spanish and the Aztecs. The third section is a summary of the fall of Tenochtitlan and the reasons behind it. The final 2 parts are images with explanations of their significance.

What ideas are left out?

The Spanish expansion of power

It can only be inferred that the Spanish arrived in Mesoamerica because of their need to expand their empire to the Americas and grow in power.

The battle

There is no mention of there being a battle between the Spanish and the Aztecs. Only that the Spanish were outnumbered yet had many more allies. It mentions that Tenochtitlan fell to the Spanish but never explains in detail how it happened.

Whose perspectives are omitted/questions/challenged?

Previous conquests by the Spanish

The Aztecs knew of the previous Spanish conquests before they arrived at Tenochtitlan but there was no mention of the perspective from the people of cities who had been previously conquered.

Spanish allies

There is mention of how the Spanish allies helped with the defeat of Tenochtitlan but there isn’t any perspective given from those allies.

Did it result in change?


It did result in change. The Aztec empire lost their allies to the Spanish and eventually itself fell to the Spanish. The Spanish arrival brought advancements like swords and cannons, but also brought infectious diseases and killed millions of Aztecs from smallpox.

Who wrote it? Why?

Aztec account

The dialogue section was written by an Aztec account. It had to be written by an Aztec because it took place a long time ago and few people were probably allowed to see the encounter between the two leaders of the Spanish and Aztec empires. But it had to be written as a record for their meeting taking place.

What are the big ideas?

The Aztec empire

The Aztec empire was in decline. The demands doe tributes and sacrifices from the Aztecs made them unpopular in the region and lose allies.

The Spanish arriving in Mesoamerica

The Spanish arriving in Mesoamerica accelerated the decline of the Aztec empire. The Aztec saw them as gods because of their demonstrations of strength. The Spanish took control of Tenochtitlan because of their allies with the neighbouring cities. The Spanish brought many new things to Mesoamerica like weapons, but they also brought diseases like smallpox that ended up killing millions of Aztecs.

Meeting of leaders

There is a dialogue of the first meeting between Moctezuma II and Cortés after Cortés and his men arrived in Tenochtitlan. In which it is made clear that that the Aztec leader reveres and considers Cortés' people as gods.

Whose perspective does it reflect?


The people of the city of Tenochtitlan felt “as if they had seen something astonishing. Terror dominated everyone, as if the world were being disembowelled” after seeing the Spanish.


The Spanish were “amazed by the beauty and complexity of Tenochtitlan, but were shocked by the brutality of the human sacrifices”.

Which questions can this source help me answer? Which can it not?

Why was the Aztec empire in decline?

The Aztec empire was in decline because their military wasn’t as strong as before and they were unpopular among the other local communities. This is shown in the quote “it became increasingly difficult to extract tributes from neighbouring cities.”

How did Tenochtitlan fall to the Spanish?

Even though the Spanish had fewer soldiers than the Aztecs, they “had the support of tens of thousands of allies from cities that had formerly been under Aztec control.” The other cities supported the Spanish because they were tired of the tribute system that the Aztecs had forced them under. The largest contributor to the fall of Tenochtitlan was smallpox that the Spanish had brought to the Aztecs

Did the Aztec’s view the Spaniards as gods?

It is unclear whether or not the Aztec’s saw the Spanish as gods. While the source says they did originally see them as gods, it is also argued that historical perspective has distorted the understanding of the encounter.

Why did the Spanish arrive in Mesoamerica in the first place?

It is never discussed how or why the Spanish arrived in Mesoamerica and how they came to conquer all the neighboring cities of Tenochtitlan.

What does it reveal about the values and beliefs of the past?

Importance of strength and power

The Spanish arriving on horses with swords and cannons shows that people at that time saw these new advancements as signs of power and strength. It also shows that conquests were done with violence and battles. Whoever won these conquests would gain power and allies.