Geography roles & Structure


Ghost Roles steps p42
Setting .
1. Identify a ghost in relationship. find impacts.
2. Educate: ghost /time spints. Normalize the ghost is not in your relationship but infuenced.
1. Put out front
2.What does it feel?
1. As a team, how do they want to deal with the ghost?
2. Call in allies for supports(secret self/positive ghost/future shef
3. Reaction plan

Secret Roles

Individual setting

Mansion Visionlization p33
1.Relax. Note/plan ready
Notice what;s happening in "my -land'today?
2Visit a Mansion.which you live in and all your different slves live. Not look around at front room.
3.B your adult self. Tour of your mansion to meet some parts of you. Professional self (love most out ranges self(hidder))/most secrets/dying to be more in relationship with others(what do you shy about this part?)
4. Choose one to come out with you in the world
5. Take some moment to good-bye to everyone. you will come back focus back.

Unfolding wisdome of secret self
1.Imagine honnect with a part of yourself like to bring more info relationship with others)
2.Embody (movement VAK)
3.Find essence energy
a. what is available here?
b. Give name Infor
c.Awareness to relationship
4. Forward Action


Sign of Being
1. Feel intense/ over or under react
2. De-skilled
3. Paralysis
4. No longer at choice

*understand and willing to take on this role

1. what stuation?How do you know? Choose one to write.
2. Detach- Remain in adult self.Put triggered -self out front
a. what do you want to say?
b.what tring to help?/Concern?
4.Role/function playiing?Appreciate it.
What does it need from adult to take over?
Let him know you can take over.
5. Forward Action
a. Agreement on stay-back
b.practice. rehersal

Pior setting (co work on secret self essence
1. Each to identify secret self
2. landwork with each secret self(each partner no body)
3.find common movement that unique to this pair
4. Forward action(Bring essence energy into a relationship)

Inner /Outer Roles P25-27

Role: Effective roles are critical to functioing of relationship.They ensure important task of relationship carry out efficiently, create clarity "who is doing what."
Out Role: Executive functions or external maintenance of the system.
Inner Roles: Maintain emotional functioning and Internal maintenance of the relationship. All role exist for a reason, should discover and hornor the reason.

Need for Role Change
Role nausea- educate client that roles are function not people more flexibility
Role confusion- When people unclear what role to play
Need for new role-
Poorly occupied role- Could be out dated.


Outer Roles p29
Setting :DTA to be in Metu skill of collaboration
educate : nature of role problem. Role are fuctions not people.
* Brainstorm Solutions Option
* Alignment coaching design partnership
*Behavioral contact
*Reaction plan
* Action plan

Inner Roles(Pairs) p30
1.Setting :DTA- Metashklls -respect colaboration
educate: normalize,find useful ---->behind the behavior
2. Identify roles * name it positvely
* use an object to represent
3. Vocate role- put out front
How does it feel now?
4. Each person to say at leat one thing useful about other's role?
5. Dress as an aligned team. people role differently. more skillfully
6. Forward Action : Agree Actions
Reaction Plan
Homework next week.

Paper constelllations p21-23


*A relationship/goal
* Educate the process/Symbol
Current systems:
a.Client place himself first ,then other members with names.
connect the mmember with client may connect the most important others member to others.
b. Discovery:
What learned? What need to change?
Describe- Iwould/ I sentence.
Desire Systems-How you want it to be?
Describe-I word/I sentence
Forwarding Action: What are the steps to move for current to desin systems.
Action Plan

get a menster view of what's happending and what is trying to happen


Meta skills: Rospect. Inquity/ Awereness. Deep Democracy
Key Recognize other experience as VALID in their world
Problems: Tourist travel to others counry-> apperciate diversify

lands work Model p15

My Land visualization p10

Ex interview/share
1.what's unique
2.what's biases?
3.what is not welcome?
4.Introduce your partner

1.confortable position. pen& paper handy
2.In your mind, travelling ,in faverate transport.Journey to "My land"Internal environment to make who you are, with own rules. climate.
3.Notice the border, guarding?
4. Enter land, first Impression? Climate?Wban/rural? pace/energy /music /activity?
What Important here?
curious -people taking feel
5.What kinds of people welcome /Not welcome here?what behavior?
6.Life high up- see more, notice places not visited yet.pleaces locked. places you long for ? Notice no end.
7. come back, appreciate people with infinity diversify,personal land.

Pair setting steps p16-19
* Purpose /Goal
*Nmae the land(positive/neutral way
2.DTA tourist/no right or wrong
- Willling to put behind luggage just to experience
3. Visit other's land
a.Land host-what's important/ volue useful gesture?
b.Visitor- What's like here, experience what to appreciate?
4.Visit our land (a world-combine the best of each other's world) look to the other land(what appreciate? what could import?)
5.DTA -How will you do differently now?

Organizatonal setting.p18-19
1. Layout on floor departments(Eg.ABC dept.and empty wedge) at their wedge
2,Original land Each dept- State their position againt the topic.
* what's like here/feel?
* what's important /challenge?
*what help do you need?
*(Ask you owner: what did they get right/feel?)
*Not down one thing on sticky pad /import
4. Our land(Take away topes/ In-circles )
* what's like here?
*what's different ?
* Review notes
5. Brainstorm /Actions
*Brainstorm solution
*Summarie actions