Products that use electricity can build static like a phone that can cause a small electric shock . Rubbing objects can also create static like when a hat makes your hair go up when you take it off.
How to build static at home
Building static at home is easy just rub objects together to give negative charges which is electrons. If you rub a cloth with a balloon then it will attract hair for example.
Its an imbalance of electric charges in an object surface which can produce crackling or attracting dust and hair. It will stay until an electrical discharge. The imbalance of electric charges is caused by friction.
The dryer sheets are made of ingredients with positive energy that neutralize the negative charge and the heat and motion of the dryer releases the energy.
The ingredients of a dryer sheet are dipalmethyl hydroxyethylammoinum methosulfate, a softening, antistatic agent, fatty acid, a softening agent, polyester substrate, a carrier, clay, a rheology modifier and other materials but these are the most common.
The swiffer is used for cleaning and it uses the static cling to pick up small pieces of dust. The swiffer has 2 dusters and one is electrically charged and the other one isn't.
How it cleans
The swiffer first uses a dry cloth to pick up dust, hair and dirt. Then with a wet cloth it cleans grime and spills.