Critical thinking - Mind Map

Critical thinking

Critical Thinking Standards








Logical correctness

Methods to make an argument

Clarify your purpose and context

Clarify your purpose and context will help you focus your thinking and avoid information overload and distractions.

Question your sources

Learn how to select of sources of information that are most credible, accurate and relevant for your thinking tasks.

Identify arguments

The ability to identify arguments will help you recognise the main points made in your sources.

Analyse sources and arguments

To demonstrate your critical thinking, you need to be able to carefully examine sources, arguments, theories and processes, and explain how they work.

Evaluate the arguments of others

As a critical thinker, you need to be able to evaluate arguments, as well as the claims, evidence and reasoning that comprise them.

Create your own argument

Learn how to bring together evidence, reasoning and claims, and create your own argument.

What is critical thinking?

“Critical” here does not mean “negative”

Critical means involving or exercising skilled judgment or observation

Critical thinking is a kind of thinking in which you





make judgements

To be a good critical thinker need

Effectively identify, analyze, and evaluate arguments and truth claims

Discover and overcome personal preconceptions and biases

Formulate and present convincing reasons in support of conclusions

Make reasonable, intelligent decisions about what to believe and what to do

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