What are Aids?
Aids is a disease which lessen the body's cellular immunity. This virus weakens a human's immunity system which lowers the ability of a body to fight any type of infection. It is developed right after HIV.
How is it Caused?
A person would first get infected with HIV, and then develop AIDS. Someone can get HIV from anyone who's has it, even if they don't look ill with it or if they aren't tested with HIV-positive yet. Blood, vaginal fluid, semen, and breast milk of people who are infected with HIV has the virus in it. Most people who get HIV virus is because of these following reasons:
-having sex with a person who has HIV/Aids.
-sharing a needle with someone who has HIV/Aids. -Being born when their mother is infected, or have drunken the breast milk of a infected woman.
What are the Signs and Symptoms?
Some of the common signs and symptoms of Aids are: -Soaking night sweats.
-Shaking chills or fever higher than 100 F (38 C) for several weeks.
-Lot's of coughing.
-Shortness of breath.
-Chronic diarrhea.
-Persistent white spots or unusual lesions on your tongue or in your mouth.
-Persistent, unexplained fatigue
What are Treatments?
There's no cure for HIV/AIDS, but there are a variety of drugs that could be used in combination to control/slow down the virus. Each drug that can be used has a class of anti-HIV drugs. These drugs all block the virus in a different way(s). It's best to combine at least two-three drugs no more, so you can avoid harming yourself by not overdosing. Some classes of these drugs consist of: -Non nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs).
-Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs).
-Protease inhibitors (PIs).
These drugs block the HIV's entry into CD4 cells.

What are the Complications?
-Tuberculosis (TB). TB is the most common HIV infection and it leads to death among people who have Aids. Aids could also damage brain, spinal cord, this could cause symptoms such as confusion, forgetfulness, behavioral changes, headaches, weakness, loss of feeling in the arms and legs. Some other common complications of Aids are:

How is it Transmited
Aids can get transmitted if a person is sharing there cloth
or anything that goes on/ enters the body i.e toothbrush. HIV/Aids could also be spread through any type of unprotected sex. If someone has the virus. This can happen when body fluids, blood of a infected person get into the body of someone who is not infected, but the (4) main reasons are:
1-Sexual activity.
2-Infected pregnant mother.
3-Drug use
4-Occupational exposure It could also happen with blood transfusion origin transplant, or any other surgery.