Kategorien: Alle - militarism - nationalism - alliances - imperialism

von Lilly Lightfoot Vor 6 Jahren


world war 1

Several interwoven factors contributed to the outbreak of World War I. Nationalism played a significant role, particularly in Bosnia, where a group called The Black Hand was deeply involved in violent activities, including the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

world war 1

Causes Of World War 1


The black hand was responsible for many murders across the nation, but they were esspecially known for as already stated the killing of Archduke Franz Ferdnand. This resulted in major controversy, not only through Bosnia but in other nations as well.
Bosnia was much involved with nationalism, but in a much different and darker way. Which majorly impacted the war. Through nationalism Bosnia created a gang called The Black Hand. This gang was willing to do anything to achieve their nationalistic goals. Even as bad as murdering the archduke.


Examples of alliances during World War 1 were the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary,Italy) and the Triple Entente (France, Britain and Russia)
Alliances surprisingly made it much simpler than you think for a country to be pulled into the war. Reason being is that, members of an alliance swore to protect each other if one was to be in danger, then its allies would also have to fight. Which created major conflict between all the country's involved.


This conflict between the three countries contributed to some of the cause of war.
Germany although had trouble establishing itself as a imperial power. Their colonies in Africa fell short in comparison economically wise compared to the colonies in Britain. Germany wasn't impressed by this. They had an agressive pursuit of achieving strong imperialism, which came into conflict with others with imperial power like Britain & France.
Countries with great strength practiced imperialism from creating colonies all over the world to eventually develop empires.


Through this, with mass amount of materialism growing it created France to arm themselves in a needed attempt to maintain the balance of power between them and Germany. Then shorty after came major controversy which then slowly became war.
The great powers started to create military resources in order to protect themselves and fight back. Germany had a want of being a large power in Europe so they enlarged their resources to match up with Britain.
Mitiralism had a big impact on how the war played out and even came to be in the first place.