Kategorien: Alle - benefits - framework - organizations - tourism

von Carlos Fernandez Vor 4 Jahren


Tourism System

The tourism industry is structured around various organizations and frameworks that aim to enhance the travel experience on multiple levels. These organizations can be regional, national, or international, and they often work in the public, private, or mixed sectors.

Tourism System


Carlos Fernandez 20191130011

Alexandra Roncajolo 20201110059

Tourism System

Hotel industry

Deals with all guests necessities

Every hotel needs to have variety

staff structure

Services available

Room choices

Communication skills

English is a universal language

Improve tourists experience

Provide good quality

Tourism framework

Tourism organization
Types of organization

Example of organizations

IATA (International Air Transport Association)



From public, private or mixed sectors


Tourists get benefits from them
The gain of power and credibility
For international cooperation between governments
Tourism superstructure
Organizations to improve the experience



Components of the industry

Others (Part of the stakeholders)
The government (They regulate, encourage, limit)
The communities (residents)
Types of tourists
Distribution channels
Core components
Ancillary services

Insurances and local services

To make the trip comfortable and safe

Tourism development and promotion

Information, plans, brands.

Accommodation and basic services

Destinations identity

Accessibility, variety, entertaining.

Transportation and infrastructure

Sufficiency and quality





González-Tourís, M. Ascanio, M. (2019). Unidad 2: Viajes y Turismo: Componentes y Servicios. Hotel Industry basic terms. Universidad Metropolitana.
González-Tourís, M. Ascanio, M. (2019). Unidad 2: Viajes y Turismo: Componentes y Servicios. Components of the Travel Industry. Universidad Metropolitana.
González-Tourís, M. Ascanio, M. (2018). Introducción al Turismo en Inglés. Unidad I: Marco Teórico. Theoretical Framework for the Tourism Sector. Universidad Metropolitana.

Other definitions

Tourist destination
It has administrative boundaries
Includes tourism product
Where visitors stay at least overnight
Tourism product
Is priced and sold
Create experiences
Tangible and intangible elements

Types of tourism

Other variations
Internal (Domestic/Inbound)
International (Inbound/Outbound)
National (Domestic/Outbound)
Outbound tourism
Activities of a resident visitor outside the country of reference
Inbound tourism
Activities of a non-resident visitor
Domestic tourism
Activities of a resident visitor within the country of reference

Reasons for tourism



What is a tourist?
Overnight visitor
What is tourism?
Different from home
Residents and visitors meet
Movement of people to places

Staying for less than a year