von Maria Vaccaro Vor 1 Jahr
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Makes up 1-2% and blood. Function is to help blood clot and prevent bleeding.
Make up 1-2% of blood. Function is to protect the body against disease and invaders.
Makes up 45-50% of blood. Function is to carry oxygen to cells and deliver carbon dioxide to lungs.
Makes up 50-55% of blood. Main contents include water, glucose, hormones, enzymes, proteins, minerals, and various waste products
Upper cavity of the heart where deoxygenated blood is received from the veins and pumped into the right ventricle.
Upper cavity of the heart where oxygenated blood is received from the veins and pumped into the left ventricle.
A chamber in the heart that forces blood into the arteries. It does not need to be as strong or have as thick of a muscle as the left ventricle because it pumps blood into the lungs in the pulmonary circuit.
A chamber in the heart that forces blood into the arteries. It has the thickest muscle because it needs to pump blood throughout the entire body through the systemic circuit.