Kategorien: Alle - significance - patience - dedication - understanding

von esha mann Vor 6 Jahren


Thank You Ma'am - Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones

In a narrative centered around an unexpected encounter between Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones and a young boy named Roger, the themes of patience, understanding, and influence are prominently explored.

Thank You Ma'am - Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones

Thank You Ma'am - Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones


Being compassionate is something I strive to achieve everyday, because you don’t know someone’s situation. Therefore, by doing little acts of kindness it can brighten someone’s day. Just like Mrs. Jones and Roger, it can make such a big difference in someone's life.
If Mrs. Jones wasn’t compassionate towards Roger and his situation, the story itself would have taken a completely different route. The compassion that Mrs. Jones showed Roger was a key element and message of the story. It contributes to the theme in the sense that both characters learn kindness from each other.
The story’s entire plot revolves around the fact that Mrs. Jones was so compassionate towards Roger. She cared for him at a time when any other individual would have simply resolved the problem with the help of the law. Mrs. Jones took him in and opened herself up to him so they could have a heart to heart. She was vulnerable about her past to him in hopes that Roger would learn from her mistakes. Mrs. Jones was compassionate and understanding that Roger does not come from a lot, so she did everything in her power to help him out and turn away from theft.
One of Mrs. Jones’ most prominent characteristics is her ability to be compassionate. As described in the story, it can be interpreted that Mrs. Jone’s has struggled a lot. Therefore she is compassionate to people going through similar situation. She is very dedicated to teaching Roger right from wrong. “Eat some more, son,” (Page 3), Mrs. Jones understands that Roger has an absent family, so even after he tried to steal from her she is compassionate towards him and his situation.


Both Roger and I are uneasy when people aren’t patient. Patience is an important factor to feeling comfortable, if the people I surround myself with weren’t patient and understanding I would be hesitant to open up.
Mrs. Jones’ patience shaped the story and added onto the element of kindness and compassion. If she weren’t patient Roger wouldn’t have felt comfortable around her and the story would have no direction.
In the circumstances that Mrs. Jones and Roger had their encounter; Mrs. Jones was very understanding and patient. Although in the beginning she was taken back by Roger trying to steal from her. However, as the story progresses and the two characters get to know each other better, she’s very patient when Roger is hesitant to open up and talk to her. “You gonna take me to jail?” “Not with that face, I would take you nowhere” (Page 2), this further provides evidence that even when Roger was nervous about what could happen to him next, Mrs. Jones was patient and saw him as a boy who is in need of guidance and who can easily be influenced, but at the same time could benefit from her own influence.


Both Mrs. Jones and I will try our best to help others in times of need or just out of the goodness of our hearts. I would say that I’m dedicated and invested in the success of my friends.
If Mrs. Jones wasn’t dedicated to connect and get through to Roger, the story's plot would have completely been thrown off. The two characters would be in two whole different places, leaving the story with no direction. Mrs. Jones’ dedication contributes to the theme of the story in the sense that it balances out everything, with Roger’s behavior and the overall setting of the story everything falls into place with Mrs. Jones’ character.
Peers/Ones Around Her;
As Mrs. Jones mentions in the story, she comes from the same background as Roger, having to fend for herself. She shows dedication not only in her past but her present; she pulled herself out of situation she was living in and made herself what she is today, a hard working women. Steering Roger in a better direction with her past experiences is another example of how Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones is dedicated. “But you put yourself in contact with me. If you think that contact is not going to last awhile, you got a another thought coming. When I get through with you, sir, you are going to remember Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.” (Page 2). This further proves that she is a strong willed and dedicated women who will help anyone if even she doesn’t know them.
Throughout the story you can see the dedication in Mrs. Jones personality clearly. From how she turned a new leaf after her past to her determination to connect and teach Roger a valuable lesson. If Mrs. Jones wasn’t dedicated she would have put Roger in the hands of law, but to make a more impactful and sincere connection, she opened up to Roger in hopes of steering him in the right direction and away from theft.
The similarities between both Roger and Mrs. Jones come from the fact that they both were young and made some irresponsible decisions. Mrs. Jones shows dedication when she pulled herself out of the situation she was in. “I have done things too, which I would not tell you, son - neither tell God, if he didn’t already know. (Page 3). Her dedication to bettering her lifestyle implies that she too had an absent and neglecting family. This proves that she is dedicated because after fixing her life, Mrs. Jones is trying to help Roger turn a new leaf.