Kategorien: Alle - funding - education - safety - guidelines

von Ms. Vikki Storry Vor 5 Jahren


Special Education Funding

The Special Incidence Portion (SIP) guidelines for the 2018-19 school year provide instructions on obtaining additional funding to support high-needs students in educational settings.

Special Education Funding

Special Education Funding

Special Education Funding Guidelines Special Incidence Portion (SIP) 2018-19


Parents must be notified that extra funding for staffing is being applied for for their child.

The student can be enrolled in a regular classroom or in a special class. The two full-time staff must be providing intensive support for the health and/or safety of the applicant student, other students and/or staff.

A safety claim may be submitted on behalf of a student who requires more than two full-time board paid staff to provide intensive support for the safety of the student and/or others from behaviour that is injurious to self and/or others. SIP Safety Claims are not eligible for three year renewals.

A safety claim may be submitted on behalf of a student who requires more than 2 full time staff. Their behaviour must be injurious to staff, others and self.

SIP is meant to offset the cost of additional staff for a high needs student. The additional staff member must spend a minimum of 10% of the school day with the student.

Classroom teacher time can be counted as intensive support where the teacher is a special education teacher in a special education class. A special education teacher providing support to the student enrolled in a regular class can also be SIP counted.

In May and June, boards should include estimates for SIP claims in their budget.

School boards must have the extra staff in place before they apply for the additional funding for the high needs student.

If the student moves to another Ontario school during the claim, it will be considered a new claim.

If students have completed a year or two in their three year cycle, the board will be asked to resubmit documentation.

School boards receive a summary in the fall outlining the students that have been approved for three years.

SIP health claims are eligible for renewal every 3 years. Health and safety claims are not.

Appendix E needs to be filled out by a medical practitioner and submitted. They must be submitted with the Characteristics Checklist for Health Claims for Health or Health & Safety Needs.

A health and safety claim can be submitted on behalf of a student that requires 2 full-time staff as a result of their medical diagnosis and daily living activities. The must have very high needs.

The 2017-2018 SIP amount was increased to $38,016 per full time student. A half time student is entitled to $19,008 per year.

More information can be found at: https://learn.etfo-aq.ca/content/enforced/50500-A3223EWinter2019A/assets/docs/2018-19-sip-guidelines-en.pdf?_&d2lSessionVal=rYDzOpcmSA0gHr75zEhUc8Ywp&ou=50500

At anytime the Ministry may conduct an audit of documentation or make a school visit to see how the funding is being used.