Kategorien: Alle - truth - excellence - freedom - responsibility

von Roger Ordeñana Encalada Vor 5 Jahren


Sample Mind Map

The code of ethics at the University of Guayaquil emphasizes several core values integral to both personal and professional conduct. It highlights the importance of equity, justice, and solidarity, encouraging impartiality and ethical actions in all situations.

Sample Mind Map

Code of ethics of the University of Guayaquil.

Honesty and vocation of service

Honesty is very important in the daily life of each person, and a good professional service is fundamental and important.

Search of the truth

All the time we seek the truth and for me that is important, in any situation, whether personal or professional.


This value I apply in my life all the time with the people I know and with whom I do not know also, speaking in a very correct way and respecting the opinions and decisions of others.

Surrent of account

I give a sustenance of what I do and why I do it and also that they are within the law.


I use this value in my personal life and I will apply it in the professional field, I will use it for my obligations, tasks and decisions that I have to make.

Equity, justice and solidarity

I use these values in what it means to be impartial with a person, do the right thing in any situation and help people.

Search for excellence

I search the excellence in several areas, being a perfectionist with the things I do, I try not to make mistakes very often.

Freedom and tolerance

I respect the freedom of other people and I am very tolerant with people