von Alex haung Vor 1 Tag
Purpose of Communication
Communication involves various strategies and elements, both verbal and non-verbal. Non-verbal communication includes gestures, eye contact, posture, body movements, and facial expressions.
Purpose of Communication Culture "Okay" Sign "Money" (Japan) "Your a loser!" (Europe) "Okay" (North America) Hand Shake Lighter Handshakes (Middle East) "Greetings" (North America) Hand wave "No" (Europe) "Goodbye" (North America) Listening Strategies Body movement Paying attention to what the speaker has to say like head knotting Shows interest Thinking Before You Speak Too see if the questions related to the topic Head Nodding Agreeing with what there saying Shows interest Making Eye Contact Shows respect Shows interest in what the speaker has to say Giving Feedback To The Speaker Shows that your listening Non-Verbal Conmunication Gestures Thumbs down to show if you did something wrong Thumbs up to show if you did something right Body Posture Shaking your head to indicate disagreement Nodding your head shows that your agreeing with them Facial Expression
Frowning to show Sadness Smiling to show happiness Posture Slouching shows boredom Standing tall shows confidents Eye Contact Shows attentiveness Speaking Strategies Speed Fast Slurred
Slow Clarity Slured Messy Coherent Tone of Voice Calm Professional Aggressive Verbal Speech Conference Musical
Prep Talk Coaching
Presentation Poem
Actscent Chinese Actscent Cantonese
British Actscent English
Vocal Whispering Yelling Screaming