Kategorien: Alle - bacteria - dna - eukarya - organelles

von Natalie Abdo Vor 4 Jahren



Life on Earth is characterized by a remarkable diversity of organisms, grouped into three primary domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, are prokaryotic and lack membrane-bound organelles, but they do contain DNA and peptidoglycan in their cell walls.


Universal Ancestor

Common Ancestor

Domain Eukarya
SAR clade

Rhizaria filose psuedopodia


Excavata -Feeding groove -secondary plastids



Opisthokonta Single posterior flagellum on swimming cells

Amebozoa Pseudopodia that extend like tubes or flat lobes

Slime Mold


Common Anchestor

Kingdom Plante

Common Anchestor Vascular Plants


Seed Plants

Angiosperms - seeds - flowers - fruit - ovules - Endosperm

White Water Lily (Nymphaea alba)

Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris)

Gymnosperms - Pollen - Heterospory - Wood - Ovaries

Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)

Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)

Monilophytes (ferns,horsetails,whisk ferns) - Sporic - Presence of Embryo - Desiccation-resistant (walled) spores - Apical meristems - Presence of gametangia - Presence of Sporangia - Presence of Lignin - Xylem & Phloem is used to circulate Water & Sugars - Megaphylls - Sporophyte (Dominant Generation) - Thick waxy cuticle - YES Stomata

Eastern Marsh Fern (Thelypteris palustris)

Lycophytes (club mosses,spike mosses,quillworts) - Sporic - Presence of Embryo - Desiccation-resistant (walled) spores - Apical meristems - Presence of gametangia - Presence of Sporangia - Presence of Lignin - Xylem & Phloem is used to circulate Water & Sugars - Lychophylls - Sporophyte (Dominant Generation) - Thick waxy cuticle - YES Stomata

Fan clubmoss (Diphasiastrum digitatum)

Hornworts - Sporic - Presence of Embryo - Desiccation-resistant (walled) spores - Apical meristems - Presence of gametangia - Presence of Sporangia - No Presence of Lignin - Diffusion/Osmosis is used to circulate Water & Sugars - No true Leaves - Gametophyte (Dominant Generation) - No thick waxy cuticle - No Stomata

Field hornwort (Anthoceros agrestis)

Mosses - Sporic - Presence of Embryo - Desiccation-resistant (walled) spores - Apical meristems - Presence of gametangia - Presence of Sporangia - No Presence of Lignin - Diffusion/Osmosis is used to circulate Water & Sugars - No true Leaves - Gametophyte (Dominant Generation) - No thick waxy cuticle - No Stomata

Woolly Feather Moss (Tomentypnum nitens)

Liverworts - Sporic - Presence of Embryo - Desiccation-resistant (walled) spores - Apical meristems - Presence of gametangia - Presence of Sporangia - No Presence of Lignin - Diffusion/Osmosis is used to circulate Water & Sugars - No true Leaves - Gametophyte (Dominant Generation) - No thick waxy cuticle - No Stomata

Common Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha)


- Zygotic

- NO Presence of Embryo

- NO Desiccation-resistant (walled) spores

- Tissue growth is throughout the body

- NO Presence of gametangia

- NO Presence of Sporangia

- No Presence of Lignin

- Diffusion/Osmosis is used to circulate Water & Sugars

- No true Leaves

- Gametophyte (Dominant Generation)

- No thick waxy cuticle

- No Stomata


Rhodophytes (Red Algae)

Domain Arhaea
Domain Archaea (Methanobrevibacter smithii) -Ether Linkages -Contains DNA -NO Membrane bound organelles present -Does NOT Contain peptidoglycan

Domain Bacteria (Escherichia coli) -Ester Linkages -Contains DNA -NO Membrane bound organelles present -Contain peptidoglycan

-Ester Linkages

-Contains DNA

-NO Membrane bound organelles present

-Contain peptidoglycan