Course Map
'The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.'
Bill Copeland
Core Electives Planned
The goals should be achievable.
Understanding Consumers (MKT400)
Effective Persuasion (MKT504)
Alternate core elective
Strategic Communications
in Fashion (FDL340)
Draping 1 (FFD410)
Fashion Design 2 (FFD213)
Collaborative Studio (FFC750)
Fashion Film, Cinema
and New Media (FSN510)
Fashion Photography (FFC200)
Creative Design (FSN712)
Fashion in International
Markets (FSN400)
Product Development (FFC605)
Social Innovation
in Fashion (FDL850)
Fashion Futures (FDL640)
Special Topics in
Design Leadership (FDL620)
Ethical and Sustainable
Fashion Leadership (FDL610)
Strategic Leadership
in Fashion (FDL540)
Is this goal worth the effort you will invest?
New Fashion
Business Models (FDL240)
What is your motivation to reach your goal?
Business Courses Planned
Funding New Ventures (ENT511)
Management of Innovation (ENT725)
Small Business
Management (ENT505)
Additional course
Accounting for Small
Businesses (ACC607)
Concentration: Design Leadership
Principles of Marketing (MKT100)
New Business: Idea to
Reality (BSM100)
Fashion Project
Management (FDL150)
Managing Fashion
Enterprises (FDL140)
Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Minor
The goals should be relevant.
Identifying Opportunities (ENT601)
Does this goal contribute to your other objectives?
Entrepreneurial Behavior
and Strategy (ENT526)
Can this goal be achieved in your current situation?
Required for minor
New Venture Startup (ENT500)
Is this the right time for your goal?
Open elective
Core Electives Completed
The goals should be measurable.
Fashion Design 1 (FFD113)
How many steps will it take to achieve your goal?
Discovering Textiles (FSN101)
How will you measure success?
Image Making and Media (FFC100)
How will you know when you achieve your goal?
Liberal Studies
The goals should be specific.
Transgender Histories (HST627)
Chinese Cultural Traditions (CHS504)
I Shop Therefore I Am (RMG510)
Creative Writing (ENG505)
Shopping and Society (RMG210)
Popular Culture (SOC202)
Psychology of Thinking (PSY308)
Alternative course
LGBTQ2S+ Histories (HST375)
Why do you want to achieve this goal?
Currently attending
Perspectives in Psychology (PSY105)
What exactly do you want to achieve?
Core Required
Fashion Courses Completed
The goals should be timely.
Design Thinking, Process
and Methods (FSN303)
History of Design (FSN203)
Design Literacy 2 (FSN221)
Fashion Systems 2 (FSN205)
Refashioning History (FSN224)
Design Literacy 1 (FCD121)
What can you do two months from now to achieve your goal?
Fashion Systems 1 (FSN105)
What can you do today for this goal?
Fashion Theory (FSN223)
When will you achieve your goal?
Core Required Fashion
Courses Planned
Capstone (FSN90A/B)
Professional Aspects
of Fashion (FSN709)
Research Methods
in Fashion (FSN707)
Critical Issues in Design (FSN503)