Kategorien: Alle - access - versatility - privacy - independence

von Julio Orellana Vor 2 Jahren


Cloud Storage

Cloud storage offers a modern solution for data management by leveraging the internet to store and transfer files rather than relying on local hardware. This method eliminates the need for physical storage devices, allowing users to access and manage their data from any device with an internet connection.

Cloud Storage

Cloud Storage

Disadvantages of cloud storage.

Server overload. Although it is not the most common, we must count on our cloud storage provider not being overloaded if the number of users at that time is very high.
Internet access. Obviously, to access the documents we need an internet connection. And this has to be stable and powerful. Something that we have to take into account if we prioritize mobility.
Privacy of our data. Not just any cloud storage service. We must make sure that the company that offers us cloud storage is a solvent company that has all the security measures to prevent unwanted access to our files.

Advantages of cloud storage

You save storage on your work teams: since everything is stored in the cloud, your computer won't be so saturated with files, so you'll gain productivity.
It favors teamwork without being present: whether in person or teleworking, thanks to this type of storage teamwork is reinforced, as it enables access to common and collaborative work areas.
Allows teleworking: we live in a time in which teleworking has undergone a very significant acceleration. The fact of having the material available anywhere in the world and at any time facilitates this model of remote work.
Goodbye to physical support: this provides versatility that optimizes work. By not depending on physical support, any user can store a given file simply by having an internet connection. Of course, this advantage is directly related to another: device independence. Online files can be uploaded from any hardware, as well as consulted from any device as long as you have access to the storage service enabled and it is compatible with the software installed on your equipment (computer, Tablet, Smartphone) to be able to view it

When was the cloud created?

Licklider traced the first ideas of a global computer network back in 1962, in discussions of the concept of the 'Intergalactic Computer Network'. These ideas contained much of the substrate of what we know today as the Internet. The American described in various documents some applications on the network, and predicted the use of networks to support communities of common interests regardless of the location of their users. For his part, MacCarthy thought the following: "Computing will one day be organized as a public service, just like electricity or water."
To locate the beginnings of the cloud we have to go back to the prehistory of the Internet. Although this concept was born in 1990, some computer pioneers anticipated the fate of computer networks in the 1960s. J.C.R. Liclkider, who participated in the development of ARPANET, −a computer network created on behalf of the United States Department of Defense−, and John McCarthy, father of the term Artificial Intelligence, were two of the main foresighters of what would become the cloud.

The best cloud storage services of 2022.

Live Drive.
Ice drive.
Microsoft OneDrive.
Google Drive.

Storage types.

What is a hybrid cloud?
A hybrid cloud is a computing environment that combines an on-premises data center (also called a private cloud) with a public cloud and allows data and applications to be shared between them. Some people define hybrid cloud to include "multi-cloud" configurations, where an organization uses more than one public cloud in addition to its on-premises data center.
What is a private cloud?
Private cloud is defined as computing services that are offered over the Internet or a private internal network only to some users and not to the general public. Also called internal or corporate cloud, private cloud computing gives businesses many of the benefits of the public cloud (such as self-service, scalability, and elasticity), but with the control and customization available over dedicated resources through a computing infrastructure hosted in the local environment. In addition, private clouds offer a higher level of security and privacy with company firewalls and internal hosting to ensure that sensitive data and operations are not accessible to outside providers.
What is a public cloud?
Public cloud is defined as computing services offered by third-party providers over the public Internet and available to anyone who wishes to use or purchase them. They can be free or sold on demand, allowing customers to pay only for the amount of CPU cycles, storage, or bandwidth they consume.

Why was the cloud created?

For pure progress. Cloud Computing is connectivity, flexibility, lightness. It is a revolutionary concept that allows the world to move forward, to do so leaving aside the noise and smoke of the machines. The cloud today is everything. And even if you don't know it: you are also in the cloud.

What is cloud storage?

The cloud refers to data storage and transfer software and services that run on the Internet, rather than locally on your computer. It is used to operate with this data on the network without the need to accumulate hard drives at home. These services can be accessed through most browsers and among the most popular are: Google Drive, Apple iCloud, Netflix, Dropbox and Microsoft OneDrive.
Let's start by explaining what the cloud is and what it isn't. Obviously it is not what spoils your Easter holidays nor the vehicle in which Goku traveled to meet his enemies in Dragon Ball. Perhaps if Goku were a handful of data, the image would serve as a metaphor. The cloud, in computer terms, has to do with the network of servers hosted on the Internet.