Kategorien: Alle - price - packaging - promotion - demographic

von Nathan Tiwari Vor 1 Jahr


Chocolat Noir

A new chocolate brand, designed specifically for the mid to lower class demographic, aims to offer a healthier alternative to traditional chocolates. Priced at $5.99, this product caters to adults aged 25-40, who prefer less sweet, lower-fat options.

Chocolat Noir

Chocolat Noir

Product Use

Light to medium users


Our head office and our original store front will also start in Belgium and start going worldwide after success
The chocolate will be manufactured in Belgium and will be sold worldwide and online for people to buy


3: Our last promotion would be commercials to showcase where our chocolates come from and how they are made to help adults know what they are eating
2: Our second promotion would be online advertisements to show case to working class people that may want a sweet break but don't want to much sugar or bad fats that come with regular chocolate
1: Our first promotion would be a coupon as when adults are shopping it will make them want to get one as it will be free and could make the adult a light-medium user


The whole product will also be environmentally healthy to appeal to more adults
Packaging will have low fat and low sugar appealing to adults that don't want super sweet chocolate


There is no certain ethnicity or culture this chocolate is for everyone
Price would be $5.99 and will come in one size this chocolate is an affordable one that is made for mid to lower class
Targeted to Nesters (25-40) as this is a not very sweet chocolate bar so people that are older would have a better taste for this