Kategorien: Alle - planning - diversity - barriers - strategic

von Sharmizah Binti Shamsul Vor 6 Jahren


Chapter 2 Planning

Effective planning is essential for companies to identify opportunities and utilize resources efficiently. Without planning, significant aspects are often overlooked, leading to missed opportunities and inefficiencies.

Chapter 2 Planning

Chapter 2: Planning

Types Of Planning

Single Use Plan
Developed to address a specific organizational situation.




Standing Plan
Standing plans are designed to deal with organizational issues or problems that recur frequently.




Operating Planning
Determining the day by day to day activities that are necessary to achieve the long term goals of the organization.
Strategic Planning
Level Of Strategic Planning

Functional strategy

Business strategy

corporate strategy

Focuses on enhancing the competitive position and overall performance.

Importance Of Planning

Without planning much will be left out.
Planning enables company to identify the course of action.
Planning can provide effective utilization of available facilities.
Helps to determine what are company's opportunities.


The process of setting goals and defining them.
It prescribe the activities necessary for the organization to realize its goals.

Barriers To Effective Planning

Resistance to change.
Ambiguous and uncertain operating environments.
Demands on the managers time.

Overcoming The Barriers To Planning

Encourage Strategic Thinking
Effective strategic thinking can be developed through training and practice.
Take Advantage of a Diversity of Views
Diverse views lead to a broader assessment of organizational problems and opportunities.
Involve Employees in Decision
Input from all levels of a firm is essential for successful planning.