Kategorien: Alle - predators - reproduction

von Oscar Salek Vor 5 Jahren


Basic Kangaroo Facts

Kangaroos are unique animals in various aspects. They are the largest marsupials globally and are the only large animals that use hopping as their primary means of movement. Kangaroos live in groups called mobs, led by a dominant male, with other members including young males, females, and joeys.

Basic Kangaroo Facts

General Kangaroo Facts


Kangaroos mate in the rainy season were there is a lot of lush plants to eat.
Female kangaroos can have two different joeys in their pouch at the same time.
The female makes two different types of milk for each joey.
Female kangaroos can decide what gender their joey is.


The kangaroo has few natural predators. large iguanas will steal joeys in the night but dingos are the only real threat.

Other facts

Kangaroos are the largest marsupial in the world.
Kangaroos are the only large animal that uses hops to move around.

Kangaroo Family

Kangaroo's live in "mobs" which are led by a dominant male who is the strongest and the biggest. Other members in the mob include a small handful of young males, a few females and a group of joeys (baby kangaroos).
Fighting is common in mobs. young males will play fight until they are old enough to challenge the leader for head of the mob. The fights can be avoided if someone is too scared of another. If there is a fight it is usually won in the first moment with a leaping punch or kick by one. Most kangaroo's will leave before anyone is seriously hurt.

Other mobs will also challenge each other to become the leader of both mobs.