Kategorien: Alle - automation - engagement - competition - technology

von Peter Cameron Vor 4 Jahren


2020 National Convenience SWOT Analysis

The analysis highlights several opportunities and threats within the EC Fulfillment & Distribution Network. On the opportunity side, there is room for improvement in transport and distribution expertise, particularly in fleet management and customer service.

2020 National Convenience SWOT Analysis

EC Fulfillment & Distribution Network Value Optimisation SWOT Analysis

Enter your organization name

Type in the organization or area that is the subject of this analysis. You might find it helpful to add the date for reference so that you can review changes at a later date.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Limited operational transport and distribution operational experience
Interaction with General Storage Operation
Limited Distribution & fulfillment service provision
Replication of distribution operational, management and administrative tasks
Legacy technology platform and management tools with limited internal SME availability
Proportionally low revenue and contribution from distribution and transport business units
Operational Management distribution, strategic and commercial capability
Key Customer engagement re value creation via network utilisation

Add an internal weakness

that is negatively affecting success.
Examples: under-staffing, lack of skills, unreliable or inefficient equipment, unhappy customers, unhappy staff, missed deadlines, negative culture, financial problems, poor communications, empty sales / development pipelines or lack of information.

Rate the importance of this weakness by clicking one of the icons below:

  1. Critical it regularly causes real problems
  2. Survivable we find ways to work around it
  3. Minor it would be nice if we fixed it one day
Limited Value optimisation of network footprint

Add an internal weakness that is negatively affecting success.

Examples: under-staffing, lack of skills, unreliable or inefficient equipment, unhappy customers, unhappy staff, missed deadlines.

Rate the importance of this weakness by clicking one of the icons below:

  1. Critical it regularly causes real problems
  2. Survivable we find ways to work around it
  3. Minor it would be nice if we fixed it
Shareholder demonstrated commitment to innovation, growth and people
Relatively strong access to low cost, quality capital supported via strong and improving returns
Quality FMCG and Retail Customers
Quality executive and senior leadership team
Industry leading Asia Pacific geographical presence

Add an internal strength

Examples: good people, skills, location, technology, equipment, specialized knowledge, brand reputation, proven abilities, financial resources, partnerships.

Rate the importance of this strength by clicking one of the icons below:

  1. Critical could not operate without it
  2. Helpful it makes things go better
  3. Bonus nice to have, but could continue without it
Industry Leading and immediate long term certainty/access to cold storage assets

Add an internal strength

Examples: good people, skills, location, technology, equipment, specialized knowledge, brand reputation, proven abilities, financial resources, partnerships or influential relationships.

Rate the importance of this strength by clicking one of the icons below:

  1. Critical could not operate without it
  2. Helpful it makes things go better
  3. Bonus nice to have, but you could continue without it

Opportunity and Threats

Relatively high sub-leasing of EC controlled assets
Limited exposure to second tier customer pool
Rapid automation implementation by customers and competition
Significant disruption in retail/consumer markets and customer loss from supply chain changes
Significant competitor focus on improving cold storage / access footprint via existing client base
Loss of key operational management staff, limited succession planning and talent identification
Business risk with subcontractor model and company fleet quality and maintenance management

Add an external threat that might negatively impact your organization.

Examples include strong competitors, negative market trends, technologies becoming obsolete, new disruptive technologies.

Rate the importance of this threat:

  1. Critical - could affect the survival of the organization
  2. Major - would disrupt operations and require recovery
  3. Minor - would cause a few problems that we can handle or adapt to
Limited resourcing / focus allocated for weakness/threat reduction optimisation/leverage value

Add an external threat

that might negatively impact your organisation.
Examples include strong competitors, negative market trends, technologies becoming obsolete, new disruptive technologies.
You should focus on the impact of a threat than its likelihood.

Rate the importance of this threat:

  1. Critical - could affect the survival of the organisation
  2. Major: -would disrupt operations and require recovery
  3. Minor - would cause a few problems that we can handle or adapt to
Improved customer engagement and knowledge sharing via 'User Group' or regular customer targeted conferences
Re-implementation of graduate program, mandatory training provision and mandate role secondment
Leveraging shareholder operational, innovation and project experience in fulfillment
Improved engagement with General Storage Operations and support functions across Asia Pacific
Implementation of improved tech platform with 'low code and cost' technology solution to enable and standardised operating and commercial processes for Asia Pacific
Targeted increase and investment in distribution and fulfillment service offerings

Add an external opportunity that you could take advantage of.
Examples include social or business trends, fashions, changes in legislation, new technologies, innovations, weak competitors.

Rate the importance of this opportunity by clicking one of the icons below:

  1. Strategic- success here would take the organization nearer to its goals
  2. Possible - we could do this, but it would be a different direction
  3. Maybe - we might do this if we cannot find anything else
Improvement of transport and distribution subject matter expertise including fleet management, customer service, optimisation, financial and leadership principals
Restructure, alignment and optimisation of Transport and Convenience resourcing, processes and strategic plan

Add an external opportunity

that you could take advantage of.
Examples include social or business trends, fashions, changes in legislation, new technologies, innovations, weak competitors, takeovers or unmet demand.

Rate the importance of this opportunity by clicking one of the icons below:

  1. Strategic- success here would take the organisation nearer to its goals
  2. Possible - we could do this, but it would be a different direction
  3. Maybe - we might do this if we cannot find anything else