Technology in the FACS classroom


Welcome to an overview of integrating some of the Web 2.0 tools that are available to Family and Consumer Science Educators. As I go through the tools, remember that they are tools - use the tool you feel is right. It is not tech for tech sake, it is used to enhance the curriculum, and to reinforce the learning.Our discipline was started in the late 1800's as an outcry of the changing technology of the day. Women were expected to use all the new technology as she managed her family, yet she had no training. Now is our time to embrace the technology that is available in our lives now. As educators it is our duty to help the students of today embrace the resources that are available to our society.The mind map you see is created through and it will visually help you travel through several classifications of tech tools. You will not become a master overnight, and you may very well have some to share. Please do; we are all students.Green subject bubbles focus on areas in Family & Consumer Science - representing tools that I have found that help in those particular subjects. The Blue subject circles focus on tasks that are common to teachers of all disciplines. Many of these are easily implemented into student work at the secondary level.By no means am I an expert on all of these tools. Some I use daily, while others I am still learning. Since I began this quest, I have found that the more I know, the less I know. Please feel free to add to the list of tools - I am sure I am missing the "Best Tool Ever".If there is any one piece of advice I can give you - Write down your passwords! That and when all else fails, ask one of your students!



Sound and Video tends to add emphasis and a hook to whatever we are teaching.A great link to the skills we teach: we are overwhelmed constantly with cooking shows, how to shows, etc... Students integrate writing, planning and technology skills into these projects.Teachers can use to post lessons onto their staff web site for those who need review or missed the lesson due to absence.



•Voice recording service•Record student reflection or give feedback on assignments




Up to 5 minutes of screen casts of your computer screen.Good for highlighting a lesson and certain points.



Screen castingg tool• - cost associated with downloading videos•Inexpensive if you want to download•Also has a 5-minute time limit in free version•Can use with document camera•Jing is good for annotating screen shots or partial screen shots as well, not just video.You need to download a "sun" that functions as your copy control while using it.



Easy to use screen cast tool, similar to Screenr.



The meshing of television and telephone - just what the Jetson's had. Video chat, telephone and texting are all available.This is a great tool to collaborate with teachers and classrooms around the world.Free for one-to-one communications; there is a fee for group communications. Skype needs to be downloaded onto computer.



Create an Avatar of yourself.• easily embedded in wikis, blogs• Can use for introductions, instructions, etc. • Uses an avatar with your voice.




Make an animated movie - Free site, that offers upgrades for addiional characters and scenes. This site gives you and your students a creative way to present information. The video you watched in the beginning is an Xtranormal video.




When using images, it is important to follow copyright rules. Make sure that images are sited in your references if being published. Images can make a lecture more exciting, and certainly will clarify many of the situations we find ourselves describing as a FACS teacher. Use your students photos to promote your program, invest in an inexpensive digital camera - just make sure you have the media release signed by the parents.



Good for storing Photos - you can group school photo's for easy access for your department, class, or total school. All teachers can share the collective photos.

Big Huge Labs


Use you computer photo files or flickr and get creative.Motivational posters, magazine covers, and comic book covers. Free account, but ordering prints will cost.You need to include an email to create an account.Free version includes advertisements, upgrading to Pro will stop the ads. (You really do not need it for the photo editing)



A FREE photo editing site that is easy to navigate. There is a feature to upgrade, but the photo editing available is quite adequate, and there are many special affects that will make it fun for you and your students.



Free photo editing resource - works in sync with google and facebook.You can create stickers, collages, slide shows and text comments.Just like the others, there are upgrade options.




Photo Editing - Free, similar to Photo Shop, but no cost.Add effects, stickers and text to photos.There is a definate learning curve.




Searches many sites and then allows you just to drag the image into your document. You can save your favorite images for future use.


Main topic



Collaboration - a 21st Century Tool that we as educators need to embrace; think of it as virtual cooperative learning for adults. Collaboration should also be emphasized for our students. Virtual collaboration enables students to work together on projects at anytime through several computer programs. This works also for teachers.



Wikis - a non static web based site that fosters collaboration between members (invited). Everyone in the wiki can change and edit the site. Wiki's can be locked to prevent certain areas from change.Wikispaces and PBWorks are quite popular and easy to use.Link to wikispaces I have created for New Jersey FACS educators - I would love to add you to our collaborators - it if there for collaboration.




• Great way to collaborate. (ex. The Educator's PLN, English Companion Ning, Classroom 2.0)• live chats, forums, collaboration in and out of the classroomEasy to use, but there are now charges based upon number of participants.

Google Docs


* word processor, spreadsheets, collaborative work* forms, surveys, * google surveys as cooking lab evaluations - results are formated as spreadsheets

Kitchen evaluation



Think of this as a bulletin board for post-it-notes: or maybe a refrigerator.This can be great area for notes for the students, reminders for you.* can be used for "question of the day" and brainstormingOnce you create your board, you can retrieve its URL - this can be given to those that need to view.




Linoit is an on-line post-it note site.Invited groups can collaborate on projects, create remind it notes, and students can create group projects without being in the same room.As with other sites, there is a premium upgrade available.



Think of it as "Facebook" for students. This is a safe site, with groups for classes and teachers. Easy to use to create an online discussion area that is private to those who are invited. Privacy guidelines allows teachers to drop people out of group or to limit student access.





Chats and BackchannelsA backchannel enables a user of a site, podcast, video to make comments - basically it is the students opportunity to talk during class. Comments about the subject can be noted.When a webinar is occuring, this allows for online notetaking and comments by those who are viewing the webinar - then many times the archived notes of the back channel are available.

Todays Meet




Quick video chat online.No software to download.Can easily make embedded chat.

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Making it InterestingTools that can make it exciting for those sitting in the seats.

Creative Commons


Creative Commons• Copyright issues are murky now. • Allows you to share, remix, and reuse -- free, Legally• concept not a tool• Can search for audio, video, etc.without worrying about copyright



Think of Prezi as an updated Powerpoint.It is created on a canvas, so it does not flow in a linear manner.This is great for spatial learners.Prezi does take some learning - but the simple prezi is easy to create.



• Great for making professional presentations• Many templates• easy to download, Keynote for mac users• collaboration - use with other creators (eg. group presentation),• Easy to use; easy to edit.Casual Users - Free, but there are upgraded accounts available



3 Ring Binder Online• Weblinks embedded on Tabs/SubTabs ... can also include/upload your own documents• Can upload documents and presentations• All links are there organized by tabs and subtabs

Presentation Livebinder



PowerPointEasy to use, can be made exciting through the use of custom animation.Videos and Audio can be embedded to add additional dimensions to the traditional presentation tool through Microsoft Office.



Organizing your life, lessons and papers.A great way for your professional life, but also a great tool to use with students in the development of research.



Mindmapping made EasyFree for general maps, inexpensive upgrade to premium for all features.Easy notes, hyperlinks, image and video links.Collaborative, with online editing and chats.



Mindmapping tool* Free, fairly easy to use.* Venn diagrams* Hyperlinks


Mindmapping Easy to use


Must Haves


There are some Web 2.0 tools that need to be in your arsenal, yet do not seem to fit anywhere else.These are the essentials - they are tools that will help you use some of the others more efficiently.



Embedit In• Embed documents in your website• Video, audio can be embedded• read but not change documents• Shows analytics




Covert almost anything to different file types.Easily convert video files to use in powerpoint slides. The video becomes yours so it will not need to link to Youtube to open.



Moourl - is a URL shortener.This is very helpful when giving a URL to students to type in. The long URLs that are created get hard to write; like those car VIN numbers. This will allow you to shorten the url and give it a custom name.It can be added to your favorites bar so that it occurs in one easy link.




Communication tool that can be used throughout the day, highlighting thoughts and reactions.Attached link to Steven Andersons, Educators Guide to Twitter in Livebinders.

Read it Later


• Can read online or offline• Can share bookmarks with people• Sites are tagged and organized• Can take things off your list and it's still saved



• social bookmarking• Can access from anywhere on the Web.• social bookmarking tool• saved on web• share bookmarks and people• great for students to share/add• follow people and read their posts• auto post bookmarks to blog

Google Calendar


Can access from anywhere on the Web. • free w/ gmail account• can share own and others'• great for group collaboration


Webquest Design Template Site.Make your own webquests, or use previously made quests. Free service allows for one webquest, but the $20/3 year fee is so reasonable you will want to upgrade.The webquest is completely self contained; you design it with all links that you want your students to reach, include evaluation, and statistics. The entire webquest is then embeddable into your website.




RubistarRubric maker and templates.This tool makes it easy to create custom rubrics for the projects that are assigned. They can be filed online for a requested time, made public, or kept private.


Jeopardy Game


JeopardyOk, we may not be Alex Trabeck, but we can certainly use his game to help students learn. We have done it with pen and pencil, now we can add it to our technology arsenal. It is easy to create, and you are given a URL for the game. Only downside is that it is not searchable, so DO NOT LOSE THE URL!


Fashion &


Fashion and TextilesThis is a massive industry in the world, but we as educators seem to constantly be defending teaching students to "sew". Now would be a great time to teach our detractors the method of our "madness"; we teach STEM skills. The process of creating a garment entails all the elements of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math skills. The Science of Textiles and physics is seen in the fabrics that we use, and the care of those same fabrics. Technology - think how technology has changed how we sew. No longer do we just stitch by hand, but we use computer aided design tools, computer operated machines, etc. Even our fabrics are technologic breakthroughs. Engineering is the practice of designing something that makes life or situations better for humanity. Need I state more? Mathematics - well we need to measure, understand geometry and space. So lets not let our administration pooh-pooh our discipline; let them know what we really do.

Fabric Design


SpoonflowerThis site offers the opportunity to custom design your own fabrics. Although the yardage is slightly more expensive than your local JoAnne's, these are fabric designs that are personal. Students would also have the opportunity to participate in designer contests - there are contests weekly.We have been using this site to create a custom fabric for custom key lanyards for a fundraiser. There has been positive results to this fundraiser, and it will be expanded as the year progresses.

Quilt Design


Quilt DesignWe can design using paper and pencil - long and tedious, and many times we lose interest. Here is a site that in online, that enables basic quilt design without downloading software, or spending lots of money.The process can be a little slow, basically due to browser issues, and there are not a million different fabric designs; but for the average student it is adequate.Give it a try My

Pattern Making
Free Wild Things


Pattern Making can be a very expensive proposition with the addition of CAD programs. This is a free site that offers the student an opportunity to try some sort of fashion pattern making - accessories.This site needs to be downloaded onto your computer for use. There are limited number of items that can be designed, but it will create the pattern as you need it.



Childrens Books


Reading is so important in the Child Development Lab.By having our students become writers, we help with reading skills, critical thinking skills, and creative skills.There are several sites that offer storybook writing prompts, etc, but I fell in love with these two.Storybird and Tikatok



Storybird offers collaborative storytelling.Pictures are offered as story prompts, as are word clouds of thoughts.You can not download your own art, but the stories are all yours. The books can be published for a fee.



Tikatok is a Barnes & Noble company, that offers children the opportunity to create their own books.The student has the ability to write and illustrate their own masterpiece; which can be saved in their online bookshelf, printed in soft or hard cover ($) and can be read by others.


Culinary Arts


Thousands of sites are available for the exploration of Nutrition and Culinary Subjects.I urge you to review the sites carefully as many of these sites are directed to selling the "diet of the day", and may not be nutritionally sound; especially some of the diet trackers.



USDA interactive website that reviews the new 2010 dietary guidelines. Offers resources, but has some great tools that can be integrated into the secondary classroom.The site takes many hours to explore, and offers a variety of ways that it can be used, including many resource links.

American Culinary Federation


“The Authority on Cooking in America”The American Culinary Federation, Inc. (ACF), a professional, organization for chefs and cooks, was founded in 1929 in New York City by three chefs’ organizations: the Société Culinaire Philanthropique, the Vatel Club and the Chefs de Cuisine Association of America. Since our inception, little has changed in our principal goals. We are an organization based on promoting the professional image of American chefs worldwide through education of culinarians at all levels.Directly from the websiteThis is a great resource for upcoming cooking competitions, education, video's and the news of the industry.

Kitchen & Food Safety


Food Safety is not necessarily the most exciting subject, but it is in the news constantly.The Partnership for Food Safety Education offers the educator many resources that can be integrated into the course work.


Ninja Kitchen Game - a video game designed to teach middle school students good safety in the kitchen through a fast paced game.The game was developed though New Mexico State and Rutgers University. Currently, Rutgers is studying how games affect learning outcomes,




NJCCS 9 has mandated that career exploration is integral to our curriculum. There are many ways to incorporate this, but it all comes down to students having the opportunity to explore careers that they have never thought of, as they relate their own personal interests and skills. We need to be mindful that there are many careers that are not in existence today - so we need to train students to apply their creative, analytical and soft skills to their efforts.



Onet is the Nations primary source of occupational information and career exploration.The site offers the O*NET database, career exploration tools, job analysis questionnaires, employer guides, and technical reports.



Banking is going Digital - It is important that we teach our students the time honored ways of financial record keeping; but understanding the nuances of finances needs to go further.Hands On Banking is just one site that is available for financial management education.




Want to learn about investing - create an account with $100,000 and go for it. (It's pretend... don't panic!)


How the Market Works


Here's an opportunity to create an in class stock market game. Information links are offered, so there is no reason not to know.It's Free!

Life Smarts


How wise a consumer are you?This national competition, recognized by FCCLA offers consumer education at its finest.


Decision Making
Goal Setting


Lifetick.comThisis an interactive site that helps you track progress as you complete your goals.based on SMART decision making, it categorizes your goals based on Values.Your goals are given tasks, with time frames.Best part of all - it emails you to remind you of your tasks.Many options on upgraded version, currently I am working with the site as a Coach for students in my class, trying to develop an educational version.Will keep you updated.


Creative Sites


Creative Sites that offer opportunities for students and teachers to try things in a little different manner.These links will constantly change, so don't be afraid to check back.



Present it in Comics!Who doesn't like the funny pages, or even the editorial cartoons? This offers a way to present a subject with fun graphic images.Free version offers many options, so no need to spend any money.Can log in automatically through your Gmail account.




Word Clouds Students can create word clouds based on original work, response ideas, and to downloaded text.Many creative options are available, and for a fee products can be purchased.



Word Cloud SiteA little less available than Tagxedo, but it allows for word clouds to be created. You will need to use a screen shot to save to computer.



An online Poster; integrating text, videos and audio.What could be more fun.This is an online way for students to be creative.Some pricing changes are occuring, so it is best to be creative to use the Free account. Make sure you use the Education website, not the general due to content issues.some issues I encountered centered around Youtube being blocked if the student wanted to embed a video.


Sample glogster
