"Psychological well being" - Mind Map

"Psychological well being"


Social wellness is how we interact with our community and those around us. It includes healthy relationships, consent, communication skills and support systems. It is also about building a support system of family, friends, peers, and professionals.

Balance social and personal time.

Be open-minded to new experiences and people.

Seek out opportunities and be willing to meet new people and do new things

Volunteer on campus or in the community


Financial wellness is how our finances contribute to our overall wellness. It is the healthy relationship between your goals and your financial obligations.

Use cash instead of debit or credit to avoid spending more than you anticipate.

Save money by cooking your own meals, less eating out.

Make use of scholarships and grant applications.

Create a weekly budget for things like food, entertainment, and money to put away.


Environmental wellness is how your environment positively affects your wellness.

Walk, ride a bike, or take the bus whenever you can instead of driving a car.

Eat locally produced food.

Walk or run in a park or on nature trails instead of on a treadmill.

Maintain a clean and organized living space.


Spiritual wellness involves our set of beliefs, principles, and values that help give direction to our lives.

Grow your relationships with others by spending quality time with loved ones.

Take time for quiet reflection or prayer.

Explore faith services in the local community.

Choose hobbies or activities that allow you to explore meaning and purpose.


Physical wellness involves learning about disease and harm prevention, and developing healthy habits that will enable to you to live a longer, happier life.

Make regular exercise a part of your life

Eat more fresh food options, instead of processed food

Get adequate sleep (7-8 hours per night).

Avoid smoking, including tobacco and vaping.


Mental wellness includes all aspects of mental health, emotional state and well-being, as well as how they interact. In turn, your mental wellness influences how you think, feel, and behave in your daily life.

Know where to turn in times of crisis.

eek support from family, friends, community, and/or a professional.

Exercise regularly, eat well, and get enough sleep.

Practice mindfulness: the mental state achieved by focusing your awareness on the present moment, instead of mentally rehashing the past or imagining the future


Vocational wellness involves preparing and using our skills and talents in order to gain purpose, happiness and a fulfilled life. Vocational wellness is about expanding knowledge and focuses on self-development and self-discovery.

Gain a variety of experiences to expand your learning.

Try not to compare your path to others

Volunteer in new experiences to narrow down what your interests are and what type of work you want to be doing.

Get to know what strategies work for you, and recognize where you need assistance.

Klik her, for at centrere dit kort.
Klik her, for at centrere dit kort.