Oath Of The Horatii


The story behind the painting comes from seventh century BCE when Rome and its rival Alba agree to settle a dispute with a battle to the death between Horace's three sons (fighting for Rome) and three Curatii fighting got Alba. The lesson from the painting is the sacrifice of the few for the many. This captured the mood of the French Republic.

Jacques-Louis David


Jean-Louis David (1748-1825) The most important Neoclassical painter of the era who dominated French art during the Revolution and reign of Napoleon.

Death of Marat


David's greatest painting was the Death of Marat. Jean-Paul Marat a radical journalist who wrote pamphlets asking people to abolish the aristocratic privlege.

French Revolution Timeline


The Oath of the Horatii painting was the emblem of the French Revolution. (1789-1802)Timeline of events leading to the revolution.July 14,1789 - The storming and fall of the Bastille. August 04,1789 - The end of feudalism and serfdom in France was announced by the National Assembly.August 27,1789 - The Declaration of the Rights of Man was issued by The National Assembly.October 5,1789 - The women of Paris invaded Versailles. Parisians, led by a large number of women, march upon Versailles and force the royal family back to Paris, where they take up residence at the Tuileries. Louis XVI is considered by many a "Prisoner" in Paris. The Assembly, still in Versailles, declares, in the spirit of constitutional monarchy, its inseparability from the king.1790 - The Civil Constitution of the Clergy was passed. 1791 - The Constitution of 1791 was adopted. June 20,1791 - Louis XVI and his family were arrested while trying to flee from France but were arrested.April 20, 1792 - France declared war on Austria . September 1792 - The First meeting of the National Convention was held. December 1972 - Commencement of the trial of Louis XVI.January 21, 1793 - Louis XVI sentenced to the guillotine. August 1793 - A National Draft was issued calling for all able-bodied men to enlist in the army. September 1793to July 1794 - The Reign of Terror court sentenced 20,000 to 40,000 people to death. July 27, 1794 - The National Convention arrested Robespierre. July 28, 1794 - Robespierre was beheaded. 1795 - A new Constitution was adopted. 1799 - The fall of the Directory heralds the end of the French Revolution.

Napoleon Bonaparte


When the French became a republic in August 1792 Napoleon became Captain. In November 1799 he became General and overthrew the French Directory to become first Consul of the government. He seizes power and ends the French Revolution. (1800-1802).In 1804 Napoleon became Emporer of France. By 1812 he had conquered most of Europe. But in 1814 his enemies struck back and he was forced to abdicate and sent into exile.In March of 1815 he marched against Paris and briefly regained his power. In June of 1815 he was defeated by English and Prussian forces in the Battle of Watterloo.

Louis XVI Rules France 1774-1792


Louis XVI (1754-1793) ruled as King of France and Navarre from 1774-1791 and then King of France from 1791-1792. Louis XVI was sympathetic to the Enlightenment and believed art should improve public morals. He commissioned a series of didactic history paintings and in 1784 he made Jacques-Louis David part of the general program.Suspended and arrested during the Insurrection of 10 August 1792, he was tried by the National Convention, found guilty of treason, and executed by guillotine on 21 January 1793. He was the only king of France to be executed.

Louis XIV Dies 1715

Louis XV Rules France 1715-1774