SAMSUNG-IT Project by Sarmad and Hozan

Executive Summary


Samsung incorporation considered as one of the big business in the world that works in electronics and home appliances. The main office located in Korea, and in Iraq it is run by Bayad Inc for distributing all Samsung products in Iraq. The business had started since 1992 and it gets developed years after years. At first, they had offices in three different cities but now they are controlling eighteen cities. Their long term goal is to create another brand called Bayad and distribute it with Samsung so that to get popular at the same market channel. They have turned the idea into practice, but they are waiting for people's feedbacks about the product.


Management Strcture

CEO - Bayad Jamal

Vice President - Shazad Jamal

Marketing Manager - Arivan Kamaran

Advertising - Saeed Zerak

Public Relations - Hama Ali

Sales Manager - Sara Duraid

Sales Men

Product Manager - Twana Faraj

Home Appliances - Zaynab Jaff

Sparepart Admin - Botan Osman

Customer Service Manager - Mustafa Jaza

Warranty Admin - Dana Ali

Service People

IT - Akam Ahmed

Web Developer - Zana Jalil

IT Help Desk - Gulan Sabir

HR - Ahmed Najim

Recruit - Muhammed Sdiq

Reception - Dalia Kamaran

Supply Chain Manager - Sakar Osman

CFO - Zanyar Najmadin

Accountant - Shwan Hama

Accountant - Tre Goran

Accountant - Awat Dara

Business Function


The CEO is the head of the business. It is the abbreviation for the chief executive officer. Bayad is the CEO of Samsung company and he is in charge of all the management and organization of the company. Vice president is the assistance of the CEO, we can say he or she is the second person in the company who is in charge for the management works especially in those cases that the CEO is traveling to somewhere else. Marketing Manager is the person who is responsible for the managing the marketing department in the business. He or she should be creative and has new ideas and innovations to improve the marketing department because the most important department for sailing products is the marketing. Sales Manager is another department in Samsung Company that is in charge of sales in the cities in Iraq generally and in the stores specifically.Product Manager is the person who is responsible for the products that Samsung Company produces. There are many electronic products that Samsung is producing and needs to be protected from scratches and other harms. The product manager is responsible for counting those products and entering them to the data system. Spare Part Admin is another department in Samsung Company. The person who is in charge of that is responsible to count all the spare parts and order them from Korea and bring them to Sulaimany. Sometimes people need a part of their device that they bought from Samsung, and Samsung Company is responsible to provide the specific part that they need. Custom Service Manager is that when customers buy a product, they get the warranty of two years for the electronic device that they buy. This department is responsible for recoding the IP number of the product with the guarantee code to make sure that the devices were bought from Samsung Company.IT is a popular department in most organizations that is responsible for issues in the computer or the website that they work on. Those companies that use many computers and host devices, probably they will have problems and it needs to get solved in a short period. IT department in Samsung Company is responsible for solving the problems in the IT field for the employees. HR is another popular department in Samsung Company that is responsible for interviewing new employees and giving them days off. Also HR is responsible for giving salaries to the employees. Supply chain manager is the department that manages the product in terms of service and packaging from the manufacture until it reaches to the customer. The supply chain manager is responsible for that process. The Chief Financial Officer is the manager that is responsible for the financial transaction in the company and also it is responsible for the taking risks financially in the company. There are some accountants that work in that field and they are entering data like salary, expenses, and some others.




Customer Relationship Management (CRM): is one of the most important stratygies for a business to have because it is about the relationship between the customer and the company and especially about the customer's behavior. It is the tool that keeps that customer loyal to the them, if the company use it in the right way. Through CRM, Bayad Inc. is able to know more about customer's reaction about the product and the service they provide. Since the company uses warrany system, it attreacts more customers to thier side. When a customer buys a product, they give him/her one year warranty. Also, when a new product is sold, the customer has the right to get it back during 14 days if any manufacture problem occures. If a problem occured, they will get a new one. The company gives all these services to increase the customer relationship with thier clints. They didn't have a specifi software for the CRm, but they used social media, Facebook fan page and twitter, to get feedbacks about their clints and know whether they are satisfied or not.

Order Fulfillment process


The order fulfillment process: is the process in which a product is produced until it is delieved to the customer. In other words it refers to the way that companies responed to customer orders.Samsung had it's own way for ordering a product and it was:1. after the customer has desided about the product, there were order configuration, confirmation, and invoice at the same step. It is a two page to fill out. 2.Order Sourcing and order changing.3. Order processing and that is done by the main company in Korea and Bayad Inc informs them with the order and it will be shipped to Bayad company and then it will be delivered to the customer.4.Deliverey process is available whenever the order arrives. 5.Settlement, they have technition people who settle doown the product to the customer and it is with a very less price than bringing someone from out side.6.Return, in case if the product has a problem the company gives 14 days in order to return the product but if it is not working, not according to the satisfaction of the customer.



Enterprise Resource Software (ERP) : It is management of internal and external information all across the organization through each different departments. The purpose of ERP is to make easy the flow of information among all busniss departments. The company uses Global Samsung Partnership Network as an ERP software. They also use Open Box Failure. It is when a product is damaged in the package through transportation or bad storage. Bayad Inc. takes it back from the customers and send it back to the main company.

Supply Chain


Bayad's Company has a very developed supply chain department since they bring product from Korea to Sulaimany and distribute the products to the all other cities in Iraq. the supply chain plan for that activity and order the exact number of product that they need with the specific type and size, then they transport the product from Korea to Iraq by shipping through a delivery company. Then they get the product and distribute it to the other stores that they have in the other cities in Iraq and after that to the customers.

IT Infrastructure

Web Presence


We have asked about the website and they are working on it and modifying the website. So, you may not able to have access to the website.




The company uses two different softwares as a part of the business operation:1. Quickbook: it is used for the Fainance department and all the financing and accounting work is done through this softeware. 2. Global Samsung Partnership Network (GSPN): it is a software and a network at the same time because as a software the company gets benefit especially in the customer service department. They can create reports about the date, number of products, discribtion of these products that have a problem or it is damaged because of bad packaging.



Since it is a developed business and it works on the electronic business channel, therefore we noticed many hardwares that are used in the business operation. All the things were computerized and there were no manual process in the business operation. There were a lot of laptops, desktops, printer and scanners, internet server, finger print for check-in and check-out, and security cameras.



Global Samsung Partnership Network (GSPN) Is an extranet network that links Samsung from all around the world with each other. It contains a tool bar and includes information, master data, service tracking, order management, service parts returns, warranty, accounting. What is great about this network you can create reports of these different catigories with specific customization for the information that you want to be included in the report. We captured the networks imaje through the screen of the customer service manager and we uploaded the imaje as an illustration for the network.

Company Images

Customer Service

Show Room

Show Room

Show Room


Personal Interview

