Gym Final Summative


In a relationship consent is a very big thing. The partners in the relationship should always be in the same page and shouldn't feel forced to do something. To move forward in a relationship one should always ask their partner if they wish the same, if they are comfortable with moving forward or they want to wait. Asking for consent in a relationship maintains a very healthy relationship.

While moving forward in a relationship it is important to use protection. Protection can help prevent unwanted pregnancies, and protect from STI's. It is also very important to use protection so something unplanned doesn't occur such as an unplanned pregnancy, this can result into something very serious since the couple may not be ready for having a baby.

STI's can be very dangerous and unexpected. Many people might not know they have an STI and it can have many negative effects on them. There are three different types of STI's; bacterial, viral and parasitic. Bacterial STI's can be curable some bacterial STI's include Chlamydia. Viral STI's cannot be curable although are treatable a viral STI would be gential herpes. Parasitic Infections can be cured but can be a very big issue some parasitic STI's include pubic lice.

Communication is important in a relationship. A couple cannot be together without knowing where they stand in the relationship. Communicating allows the individuals to be open with their partner and share information with them. Communication can help clear many problems in relationships.

In a relationship, abstinence is always an option. In a relationship being abstinent would result in having no sexual activity. In many relationships, being abstinent is good because one of the partners may not be ready or have a ready and the other may not try to catch it. Also, being abstinent can help the people in the relationship figure things out.

Personal Safety/ Conflict resolution

Human trafficking
Human trafficking is a very sensitive topic that many would like to talk about. It can be very serious and life threatening. Although there are many signs that an individual is getting human trafficked and can be stopped at the early stages. Many signs of the early stages of human trafficking include, someone approaching you and observing all your activities, buying you gifts, and peer pressuring you to do things. Human trafficking is a serious issue and can lead someone into a great tragedy.

Know your surroundings
It is always very important that one is aware of their surroundings. To be assertive some measures one can take is, always look around when walking to see if someone of following you, when going out make sure where your food and drinks are coming from so you know there is nothing added to them, and do not go to places alone with a stranger. These are some measures that one can take for their own personal safety.

Go to an adult
If one ever feels unsafe they should go to a trusted adult to help them. It;s good going to a trusted adult since they can take further action and help you. IF someone were to keep it to themselves it can really affect their mental health and their overall well being.

If in a situation of a conflict, one can sit face to face with the other and talk the conflict out. Communicating in real life can really help them as now they can show their feelings and express themselves. Whereas in texting an individual cannot express themselves completely. If they cannot handle communicating with the other alone they should have a trusted adult or peer with them to settle the situation if something goes wrong.

Address the issue privately
If a conflict occurs with somebody it is very important to not make such a big fuss about it. Try to keep the issue private and confidential so everyone doesn't know about it. It also shows respect towards the other person making one have a good impression. If the issue is addressed privately then it is good since now many people will not get to know about it and annoy the other person with it.

Substance Use and Abuse

The use of drugs can be very addicting and can have many impacts on one's life. Teenagers especially are very influenced from drugs, many teenagers do it through peer pressure and are addicted afterwards whereas others do it to cope with depression and anxiety. No matter teenager or adult, the effect of drugs can be the same and anyone can get addicted to it.

Long and Short term effects
The long term effects of drugs include but are not limited to; lung and/or liver cancer, heart problems, the brain ages faster, long term memory loss and many more.
Some of the short term effects include; rotting teeth, loss of appetite, mood swings, unusual body language, skipping school and et cetera.

Severe damage to the brain
Substance use and abuse can cause severe damage to the brain and completely change the way the brain reacts. It has many effects on the brain such as the increase of dopamine which is the reason of many mood swings. The use of drugs can disrupt the ways the brain communicates and sends signals to the rest of the body, can cause seizures and nutrient defiencies.

Overall the use of drugs and alcohol can affect your life in many different ways. Your behavior can affect your family and friends which can break many bonds and can cause tensions with them. Also, substance use can affect your education and job. You may react slowly and will not be able to focus as much, you'll have short term memory which will cause you to forget.

Know your drugs
Drugs come in different forms and shapes and it is very important to know them. Drugs can be crystallized, can be in white powder form, can be mixed in with liquids and much more. Marijuana has many different name such as weed, and pot. Ecstasy has names such as molly and love drugs. To know more of these drugs and names one can visit


Canada's food guide
The Canada's Food Guide is a guide which shows the food requirement of which an individual needs per day. It also suggests many healthy eating habits that a person can add to their daily diet. It helps a person start a basic healthy diet.

Carbohydrates and Fats
There are many stereotypes about Carbohydrates and fats in which many say they are bad and can lead to very serious health risks. These statements are true but one cannot just completely cut out carbohydrates and fats of their life since their body needs these things to live. There are many good carbohydrates and fats such as vegetables, whole grains, fruits , avocados, cheese, dark chocolate and many more. Without carbs your body won't have as much energy and be feeling weak and without fat the cells and organs in the body will not be receiving the nutrients and food. Hence, there are many bad carbohydrates and fats in food one should make a decision to eat the right type of carbs and fats to keep a maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Protein and vitamins
Protein and vitamins are very essential to the human body. Protein helps the body build more bones, muscles, blood, cartilage and skin. Protein is known as one of the three nutrients that provide calories (5 calories per gram). Vitamins also play a very big role in the body. They help heal bones and the immune system. If you didn't have vitamins in your body then all the wounds wouldn't have been healed. Proteins and vitamins help your body in several different ways.

Stay Hydrated!!
Hydration is a big key in nutrition. Your body is made up of 70% of water. In order to remain healthy it is very important to stay hydrated. There are many drinks which can keep a person hydrated but these drinks aren't always good for the body such as soda. Water is one of the best types of drinks for the body. Studies show that a person should have about 8 glasses of water a day to remain healthy. Water has many benefits, it can help the skin, the organs and the overall body from inside to out.

Cook at home more often
In order to be healthy try cooking a home more often. Cooking at home has many benefits as know you will know what you're putting in your food. It can also allow you to choose how you want to make your food (instead of frying you can try baking), an it can allow you to add whatever you want to add and customize it!. Cooking at home has many benefits and it ca also help you realize what your putting in your food.

Fit Theory

F.I.T.T. theory
The f.i.t.t principle helps one create an efficient workout plan for themselves. It helps many stay in shape and meet their fitness goals.
F= frequency (such as at least 3-5 minutes per day)
I = intensity (increase heart rate to target zone)
T= time (duration, such as 20-30 minutes per day)
T= type of activity (choose ones you enjoy)

Target Heart Rate
A target heart rate is the minimum amount of heartbeats in a certain amount of time. Basically, a target heart rate is a range of numbers which show how fast your heart beats. A higher target heart rate is greater since it results to greater exercise, ones target heart rate during moderate physical activity is about 50-80% of their maximum heart rate (maximum heart rate is 220-age).

Resting Heart Rate
A resting heart rate in a person is when their heart is at rest (their body is not moving). An average resting heart rate for an individual should be about 60-100 beats per minute but it depends on the body as well. If an individual’s heart rate is closer to 60 then it represents that their body has more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness. In other words, the more fit an individual is the less their resting heart rate is.

Bodyweight training
Bodyweight training helps an individual keep their body in shape, helps gain muscle and increase muscular strength. Bodyweight training Also, bodyweight training uses more muscle which helps burn more calories which is good if an individual is trying to lose weight. Lastly, bodyweight training can be done anywhere it is not necessary to go at the gym.

How mental health benefits from exercise
According to psychology today, doing physical activity improves mood and helps the way a person acts. It helps decrease the chances of getting depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses. It also helps one get good sleep and get energized.

Main topic


In football we learned how to do certain plays such as the hook. These plays helped us move so we would be open and the quarterback would be able to throw it to us. We also learn that the quarterback doesn’t always have to throw it to the offense but instead can do a hand off or even run with the ball. Some of the plays that we learned were down and out, the hook and the fly.

In badminton we learned many different types
of shots such as the clear smash and drop shot. We also learned of how to play smart and not trying to hit to the opponent instead try hitting it in spots they cannot get to make them run.

In volleyball we learned how to serve (overhand and underhand), how to volley, and how to bump. We also learned how to pass it to our teammates so they can help get it over. Also, we learned how to rotate because everytime the service is over there is a rotation so everyone in the team can get a chance to serve.

In Soccer, we learned how to pass to our teammates and get open for the ball. We also learned how to defend which was to try passing to your teammates so the offense is running and gets tired and to try to get the ball across the field so it's not in the danger zone where the net is. Also, we learned how to kick the ball which was to kick it with the inside of our foot rather than with our toe so then we have control over the ball.

In basketball, there were many different strategies we learned. We learned how to do layups, how to shoot, how to dribble and pass. Passing was one of the most important things in basketball we learned how to do a chest pass and a bounce pass. We also learned that in basketball, you have to work together as a team in order to get as many shots in as basketball is not a one man sport.



Personal Connection
Over the course my heart rate had improved. Before doing the 12 minute run we would lie down for 6 minutes and at the very last minute we would find our resting heart rate for 1 minute and record it. Over the course, my heart rate went from 64bpm, 64bpm, 62bpm to 60bpm. My heart rate didn’t change drastically but it is in the average range for resting heart rate showing how my body is healthy. I want to keep this up over the summer, I want to do this by try going on a run 3 times a week for about 3 km. This will help me improve my muscular endurance.

How do they connect?
Fit theory and nutrition connect to one another since being physically fit also requires to have good nutrition. While being physically active it is very important for your body to get the nutrients it needs and vice versa.

Personal Connection
Over the course, I had learned that sports are not always about winning instead they are about teamwork. In sports it is very important that everyone works together as a team so they can achieve the task together. Such as playing soccer wouldn't be possible if you didn't have a team. In soccer everyone works as a team, communicates with each and tries their best working together. Playing sports really helped me realize that without teamwork skills, it would be very difficult to play team sports such as soccer, basketball, ultimate Frisbee, volleyball and many more.

Connection to other units
Sports connects with fit theory. In order to be athletic and do sports it is very important for your body to have muscular endurance and strength, stamina, flexibility and many other fitness components. Sports is really ties with fitness theory since in many sports they are required to do F.I.T.T workouts so their body stays in shape.

Personal Connection
The sexuality unit helped be acknowledge that in a relationship there are many precautions taken in order to have a healthy relationship. It helped me learned that there are many factors to a healthy relationship which include communicating with your partner, asking for consent and much more.

Personal Connection
From personal safety, I had learned that it is always good to be alert and aware of the situations happening around me. Also I learned to not always trust everyone since many might have intentions and take me for granted. Personal safety is a very big thing and I believe that everyone should have knowledge about it.

Personal Connection
After learning about substance use and abuse I had discovered that doing drugs can not only affect you but it can affect your peers and family. I learned that there are many effects of drugs to your body, not only being physically but mentally as well as it mess with your hormones and the way you act.

Connection to others
Sexuality goes hand in hand with personal safety. Sexuality and personal safety connect through human trafficking. Cases of human trafficking result into sexual activities. In these cases the victim can catch an STI(s) and can many things can be done to them without their consent.

Personal connection
After learning about nutrition I had realized that there are many factors of living a healthy lifestyle. Many small factors can affect your lifestyle and that a healthy lifestyle is just not all about eating fruits and vegetables. I discovered that nutrition is very important as it keeps a person from functioning.